Friday, December 29

what you mean to me

& so i was just thinking back t the time when i was still a kid... How easy it was to find friends.. u know, u just need to be standing in front of my place and the next thing you know, we'll be playing like the bestest of friends....played with our barbie dolls & our mother's old flower pots with spoiled /used soils which we pretend to be our kitchen cooking nothing in particular but i'd know we'd have so much fun...& we'll talk, we'll swap many brothers/sisters we have & which cartoon is our favourite on TV...oh & u like chocolate ice-cream? I do too...Yaayy!!! Best friends forever! We'd do everything together, go mama shops or to the playground, tried to dress or do the hair like each other. Practically joined at the hip. It was like having a twin sister/brother only we had different sets of parents...Oh, the simple life..

Nowadays, you don't even leave the door open & if it was open & u find someone loitering in front of your house, you'd call the police...wat i'm tring to say is dat, as we grow up and as we expereince all these expereinces that we experienced, we tend to be more guarded and wary of our surroundings.. u may never know, the person whom you'd trust with your innermost secrets may be the very person to use it on you & break your heart... the worst kind of betrayal is the one unleashed upon u by your own people...friends, family'd tend to be cynical and presume the worst of people especially of people whom you only know of slightly. trust is far away from your mind..and because of dat too, perhaps, you don't see the need to engage new best friends..the process of getting to know each other & discovering our similarities & differences and to adapt to one another seem to be more tedious & complicated & if we're not too careful, it might just to lead to more heartbreaks...

which is why, I am ever so grateful that during this short course of my life, I've found some pretty kewl (and if i may add, krazy as well) friends to share my joys, my sorrows...they are also the ones who wouldn't hesitate telling me off when i deserved a telling-off..they helped me to be where I am today & if not for them, I may be a lonely and bitter, not-so-old-yet-not-so-young woman today...

This is for you, my friends...

..thank you & I love you

Wednesday, December 13

Fare thee well!

my calendar's filling up with a bunch of kenduris, dinners, farewell parties...
Had a small farewell dinner wif SN & the husbands @Little India last nite...When hubbi asked why there, well let's just say the place she's going have an abundant supply of pinapples and palm trees instead of parathas & dosais... So the gal has been going 'round singapore stuffing on the goodies enough to last her a year of local cuisine or, something close to that...
Take care my fren, and don't worry I'll always remember you...especially when I'm devouring 1 of those delicious dosais...
Another set of departure due soon: Ibu, Cik Wan & Cik Aisyah - to The Holy Land, insyaa Allah... May Allah bless and reward them...we leave you in His keep...
I'm going off as well....will be back next week, insyaa Allah...toodles~

oh...& happy anniversary, hubbi...

Thursday, December 7

here fishy-fishy...


Why oh why must they have a panel of interviewers when 1 alone could have set knees knocking in nervous anticipation? I had to confront FOUR at a time...& it felt like i'm facing a firing squad...well if i was i would already have BEEN dead... and it doesn't help when I had the interview postponed due to the bugging flu... And it certainly MURDERED my chances when the medicine taken in the early morn decided to take a full swing... AT MY BRAIN!!!! .....ouch... can u hear the pain...? Up until now, I could NOT remember a single intelligent word i have said...when i tried to replay, I cringe as the only picture i get is the interviewers' faces tyring to determine if this interviewee was under some sort of influence...

note to self: never drug self before/during any job interviews....After is prefereble...especially during instances as stated above...

#p.s.: and as if the day could not get any worse, my sis informed me that she had extra TWO tickets FREE for PGL's first performance nite and she tot my staying at the tip of the island would cause me to be late getting to the theatre..HELL-LOO hadn't u heard of dat amazing contraption called TAXI?! where did i keep dat pill...???

Monday, November 20

Afghan desert key to world security, says Blair

CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan - The security of the world will be decided on the desert battlefields of Afghanistan, British Prime Minister Tony Blair on Monday told his troops on the frontline of an increasingly bloody war.

“Here, in this extraordinary desert, is where the future of world security in the early 21st century is going to be played out,” Blair told his troops in remarks barred from publication until he flew out of Camp Bastion in Helmand province.

Afghanistan’s western allies say the Taliban is on the run, despite a resurgence, but Blair’s long-planned visit has been kept in strict hour-by-hour secrecy due to security fears.

“You may not know this, but people back home are very proud of what you do, regardless what they think of political leaders,” he told troops in the desert province that is a Taliban stronghold and the opium capital of the world’s main producer.

Fighting in Afghanistan this year is the bloodiest since U.S.-led forces ousted the Taliban’s hardline government exactly five years ago. The British troops in Helmand and other NATO troops in the south have been at the forefront of the combat.

And with the rise in fighting and a redeployment to the Taliban’s southern heartland, British casualty rates here are now higher than those in Iraq, with 36 killed since June.
British Gen. David Richards, the head of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, has said his countrymen in Afghanistan face the bloodiest fighting since the Korean War and are six times more likely to die in Afghanistan than in Iraq.

“We want to be here. We want to be doing our job,” Sgt. Chris Hunter, 31, from Swansea, Wales, told Blair at Camp Bastion in the chill morning air of an Afghan winter.

“It’s a point that’s lost back home,” Hunter said.

...& what would the point be, exactly?

Tuesday, November 14

A New Do

had been meaning to update but had gotten caught wif new stuff/work/season...sorry babes..

well, fer the latest, do drop by to my new site @Multiply

i won't delete this blog...just in case u need to tag me..(dunno how to upload a tagboard there & in any case, can't be too bothered to do it...eheh) i'll check in time to time...

so, see ya peeps!

juz fer fun

Calculating your superhero identity for the day...
Rummaging through your unpublished autobiography...Searching the sky for signs...Flipping through virtual dictionaries....

Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:
Name: Blue Raven
Secret Identity: Mai Sarah
Special Power: Twisting Ears
Transportation: Electric Bathtub
Weapon: Psionic Cannon
Costume: Leopard Skin Sport Coat
Sidekick: Black Dan
Nemesis: Jasmine the Unspeakable
Tragic Flaw: Big nose (yeah thanks a lot!)
Favorite Food: Cheez Whiz

The Kite Runner

"...his life of unrequited loyalty drifting from him like the windblown kites he used to chase."

I could almost see the streets & the bazaars/souks in Kabul...Could almost taste the sweetness of the pomegranates & the spiciness of the traditional naan with cauliflower curry (& i haven't eaten any of those in my whole life...'cept for the naan)..could almost hear the sound of children playing and rockets & bombs exploding.. the story-telling was so darned takes the reader who had not seen the country in person except for the abbreviated and often-grim pictures in the television or newspapers, experience the narrator's life wholly. Shocking, tender, mesmerizing, haunting...all in one... & i don't just mean Khaled Hosseini's writing style... it makes me wonder about the strength God Almighty bestows to man...the choices man make that altogether shapes the lives they live although we're all on the same face of the's so different.. yet if i were to be thrown into the situation, i wonder if i might not just react the way the narrator had..

syabbas khaled hosseini

Monday, October 30

a CRoW'S TaiL

An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45 years old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window.

The father asked his son, "What is this?" The son replied "It is a crow". After a few minutes, the father asked his son the 2nd time, "What is this?" The son said "Father, I have just now told you" It's a crow".

After a little while, the old father again asked his son the 3rd time, what is this?"

At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the son's tone when he said to his father with a rebuff. "It's a crow, a crow".

A little after, the father again asked his son the 4th time, "What is this?"

This time the son shouted at his father, "Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again, although I have told you so many times 'IT IS A CROW'. Are you not able to understand this?"

A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it, the following words were written in the diary:-

"Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My Son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated I rather felt affection for my innocent child".

While the little child asked him 23 times "What is this", the father had felt no irritation in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the father asked his son the same question just 4 times, the son felt irritated and annoyed.
Allah says:

" Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour."

And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."
(Surah Bani Isra'el (17); Ayah # 23~24)

Friday, October 27

Aah-choo, Aah-choom...Aah-choom, Ooh la la...

2 days out...couldn't get up...feels like my head was abt to throw up its contents...

tot i'd have grown out of this phase... 'demam raya' (E'id fever) is not merely a figurative phrase... I have always been down with fever for as long as i can occurs during the 1st week and had ever lasted for as long as 9 days... had to get injection almost everytime as usually the thermo would hit the jackpot of 41 deg... where, u ask? on my butt of cos... the family doc would always exclaim his greeting (reserved specially for me) : "I've been wondering when u're gonna turn up for the usual..." oh yeah...alhamdulillah i've long passed more derriere injection...just this fishy flu hanging about me... oh, wait a sec.. *sneeze, snort* *chillisgivesupchasingafterherextremelyrunnynose*

not only demam raya...i also have the "demam periksa" (exam fever) which will systemically shows up just a week before exam starts...still remember the study week during poly ever-so-helpful-and-concerned frens flocking to my house....advising me to take better care of my health becos they need to borrow my lecture/tutorial notes

...dose were the daze...

Thursday, October 26

can't sleep

ish...can't sleep.... headache + tummy ache + feet ache = a not-so-hot chillis

too much of 'road-works',
could be...
too much gassy drink,
too many ketupat+rendang+the whole works,
most probably

Note to self : eat/drink/visit in moderation

Friday, September 29

Sometimes He gives while depriving you, and sometimes He deprives you in giving.

Thursday, September 21

what is ignorance?

It means not knowing

But also, it can mean..
..not wanting to know..

Friday, September 15

Welcome back... my pc's blue screen censored me from accessing earlier... Anyways, God willing all shd be ok... though i still get the Run error: 71 Disk not ready dialog box everytime it starts... i can't find the solution on windows website but then i'm not that bothered as long as i managed to log on & clear my overloaded overdue & overjunked email spaces... *sigh*
been @ darul like every weekend this past weeks... although not many old faces turn up, thankfully the usual suspects faithfully turn up in the midst of their busy-ness of moving house / school activities / never-ending house chores / frying chickens... heh heh.. oh & the crash of the puny little desktop pc... *bleargh*... i get chills remembering the 4am tragedy.. & dat reminds me something else..aai, u gotta teach me photoshop..i mastered the cut/paste thingy oredi so we can go on the next chapter..

Been watching supernova since day 1..Jason Newsted of Metallica, Gilby Clarke from Guns N Roses & bad, mad lil drummer boy Tommy Lee of Motley Crew launched a worldwide search of a lead singer for their new band. Been a huge fan of New York's own Ryan Star since his Paint It Black perf...& he totally blew me away wif his rendition of REM's "Losing My Religion" initially i tot he was cocky...well he's brilliant so i guess he's entitled. But, through the edited reality tv show & watever webisodes i get to d/load, Ryan is more of a loner & he expresses himself better thru his songs. His attitude, well, whose hair won't stand on ends(literally)when u have to stay in a house full of complete strangers aspiring to be the next big rocker.... catfights are not uncommon & the ones dat like to start 'em up seemed to be the boys.. what gives?
my 2nd & 3rd most favouritest would be
Toby the thunder from down under & the MAGNIficent Iceman respectively...
Toby the house prankster went buck naked to play a song with Gilby & conned Dilana to do the same..the folks esp the gals of coz didn't mind, what wif his beach bod & surfer good looks... EVS...but he definitely can work the crowd, rock with the house band & all the while singing so effortlessly. By 2nd verse he had people singing along to his own original "Throw It Away".
Magni : can fire things up wif his guitar-playing & spot-on vocals has a cute little baby boy rooting for him back in his homeland...awww...this rocker has a soft side when 1 of the episodes showed him getting a video from his family showing the toddler's first few steps & Magni's hot molten lava crumbles... Jimi Hendrix wld be proud of his 'FIRE'
Yesterday (East Indian Standard Time), they finally named their lead singer...Alas, none of my boys cut it...Ryan was out on Week 9..however, he was called back on the finale to perform his own original song as it was voted to be the fan fav, & becos of dat too, he won a cool Honda ride. His song title? "Back of Your Car" ..sweet irony...
Toby & Magni whom made it into the final four were also the 1st two rockers to be cut. But not before their spectacular elimination perfs which absolutely shows the mind & judging capacity of the voting nations...
Ryan's gonna launch his album soon & i have a feeling that the world's not hearing the last from Mr Toby & Mr Magni either... Chk out
My Video & you might see why~

Thursday, September 14

How can you spare sum1's feelings by denying them?

Saturday, August 12

Never Say Goodbye

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Category: Movies
Genre: Drama

Isn't the typical love story-run around the trees-change clothes 12 times in a song-movie.1st time i hate shahrukh's guts...Any of u who knows me personally, would know it's not sumthing i'd say anyhow.. i'm not gonna spill it here...if u can bear 3hrs +++ long movie, you'll see whydespite all dat, this will soon be added to my dvd collection....yeap, it IS that good...

Friday, August 11

Title: The Breakdown Lane
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Author: Jacquelyn Mitchard

Where can a woman turn when her own life threatens to overwhelm her ability to keep her children safe?

This book will take you on a wry & moving journey of life, loss & healing...Wait, before u think this is just another love/marriage/parenting fiction with a feminist world-view, this book had a different, unique style of delivery. Her words, letters (she as a newspaper aunt aggie) and get this, her son's journal who is by the way diagnosed as having LD added special insights.

See the story unfolds as she was caught off-guard when her husband kept going on 'sabbatical trips' & eventually MIA. Things worsened when she was diagnosed with a serious illness & her 2 children went on a journey to find their absent father by themselves...

happy ending??? Well like they say, only fairy-tales have happy any case, happy or sad is just an emotional barometer which has no exact standards. Life will still throw a monkey wrench when you just thought everything would end well. The real question is: How do we handle it?

Thursday, August 10

Bila nak tunjuk 'terer'.....

Believe or not yours truly got roped in to join 1 of nusms' team of bowlers 1 saturday...a competition organised by sp mls @The Chevrons. & all thanx to my sis cum team manager cum cheerleader cum watergirl -(aaaa..sumer title dia angkutlah..)i was in! hubbi came took leave to support me...hehe..actually i forced him to but he gladly welcomed the break...

oh yeah... we played a mean game of bowling...unfortunately some other teams got meaner.. but being non-sourgrapes, we accept our loss with grace & dignity... aper yg aku membebel ni?

1st was the trial round, then 2 rounds of play... nusms sent 2 teams team: amino (chief of the pack, full of acidic moves), fasha (our main striker complete wif spinning bowls), & 'kak' aisyah (she looks so cool, yet she set fire in the bowling alleys)...i paled in comparison...literally.. but all in gd fun, even we did not win,fasha & aisyah was among the top 3 individual bowlers...& i did not do too shabbily either...ok i sucked but at least i did not suck as bad as i usually did..a definite & positive improvement even i f i say so myself...

So here's to you, team...thanx fer the great moral support when the pins swayed side by side yet did not fall... thanx fer not laffing, when my ball went down the drain...esp thanx fer the great company u all proved to be... to risk being corny: dat was wat team spirit is all wot amino(team leader) had remarked @ the end of our pep talk:
"tak menang takpe...asal jgn kalah jer... "

Sunday, August 6

in & out the cherry window....

what a full & filling day yesterday had me having a short break wif kit kat to pen this down...ok honestly no kit kat but it doesn't really matter, does it?

When the clock stroke its magical hour me & me co-workers headed out to the usual bus stop which is usually crowded wif the usual crowd., We were pushed & shoved along on the bus by the so-called hopeful elite minds of this country who in reality have an obnoxious dearth of human courtesy... That aside, I was looking forward to meeting hubbi & to a nice hot seafood dinner wif his relatives at kg chai chee restaurant otherwise (in)famously known as Oooh la la...(wif a name like dat, u dun have to be a genius to know dat dis was the "filling" part...)

We alighted @paya lebar as we were quite early & managed 2 squeeze in some much-needed shirt shopping fer him. Bought 2 at a very generous bargain! Hubbi decided to change into his new attire to bedazzle his crowd... I couldn't find any fer myself but it's ok, compared to him, some of my clothes have never even seen the light of the day. Plus I am very much dazzling already...tee hee...We then met up wif MIL @ mosque & then made our way down to the rest.

Having had nothing of real substance since lunch(& an extremely light one at that), both of us were rather starving...even the cili jeruk looks tempting.. but first, we read some thanksgiving do'as esp for 1 aunt & 1 kuzzin who had received gd fortune recently..When the makan arrives, nobody wasted any time stuffing their faces...turns out everyone had come "prepared" wif their empty stomachs... we had seafood fried rice, very spicy hot plate beancurd, black pepper beef, kailan, cumis, garoupa sweet n sour, breaded cuttlefish balls wif mayo....*sluuurrrppppp...chillisdroolsagainatthethoughtofasumptiousspread* For dessert, 3 scoops each of home-made low-fat ice-cream.. i dunno how low the fat was, & as it were, I couldn't put one more morself of food... I'd puke, i think... & so i donated my share to 1 of the boys which of cos was not refused...How did they hold it all, i wonder....

After dinner & after long salam-ing (the ceremony of leave-taking commonly seen in a muslim community) and last-minute chatters, we went on our separate ways... We got a cab to MIL's place (which turned out to be a scary affair on the highway after we knew that the driver in question reeked of alcohol) Kept praying for smooth journey & alhamdulillah we arrived safe. Caught the bus/mrt/bus back to jw and as we were reaching the station, i remembered the day's date & informed hubbi dat the movie he wanted to watch opened already. Proceeded to gv @jp & bought 2 tix to see CLICK The show ended at around 2 a.m. & we reached home around 2.45 as we had to walk all the way.. It shouldn't be so bad except for the fact that: One, neither of us had had a a good rest & fresh change of clothes since morn & Two, I'd bowling competition scheduled in a few hours' time... & that is another story...

PuT oN YouR HaPPY FeeT

I know size can be daunting...but don't worry coz' I love you..!!
I LOO-ove YO-ouuu...!!!

Wednesday, August 2

If you have 24 hours

If you have 24 hours of perfect health, how would you spend it?

write it down, lemme know or don't...watever, but at least do think abt it..Then think how you are spending your day today...

Monday, July 31

just had 1 of the biggest scares of my life cld i be so stupid/dumb/careless/clumsy/klutzy/goondoo.... well u get the idea..

if anything worse were to happen, i'd be dead instead of typing here...
CRAP, it just hit me...I WILL DIE...period

Sunday, July 30

Made a small batch of No-Bake Peanut Butter Krispies... very worrying abt setting the oven too high dat they might get burned like my lemon bisq yesterday... hehe.. as i'm very happy wif the result, & hubbi juz can't stop , i've decided to be generous & share them wif u (the recipe not the cookies!) the recipe from 1 of the many internet recipe sites.. so here goes:


  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (i used chunky ones, fer those who like it smooth, make ur own use creamy! )
  • 1/4 cup honey (any type)
  • 2-3 cups of rice krispies cereal (i couldn't find a big box of rice krispies yesterday so i used Coco pops instead & i think it tastes better than the plain ones...didn't i mention, i love chocz)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
1) Blend peanut butter, honey & vanilla carefully

2)stir in the rice krispies/coco pops cup by cup until u feel its enuf to coat the mixture ...from my exp, 1 3/4 cup were quite enuf

3)moisten ur hand first before u proceed to roll them into balls lest they break & u get frustrated dat i never give u this tip before hand & proceed to put everything in the bin.. hehehe

4)arrange however u like on a tray lined wif grease-proof/ wax paper then pop them into the fridge to chill...

5)when ready to be served, u get ready to be praised...then get ready as the balls get mauled... better put a few pcs aside fer urself...i'm speaking from experience here...
makes abt 30pcs (depends on how big/small ur balls are...)

Note: if u want to make more, juz double or triple the ingredients..& of cos it's double or triple werk fer u...! =)

Hubbi & I caught the movie POTC last nite... as much fun as the 1st one... Bravo to Johnny Depp as Cap'n Jack Sparrow forever wif his antics, deadpan delivery...The icky graphics esp on Davy Jones & his crew together wif sound efx during the Kracken mostly (did i spell dis correctly?) made me scream out loud more than a few times.

I whispered to hubbi. "he's stealing from the very person helping him!", hubbi said, "He's a pirate wat..." In another scene, Hubbi said "He rather sacrifice william to get his way?" I retorted "He's a pirate wat.."Well, Johnny, u made Jack a pirate thru & thru...

1 of my fave scene was their 3-man fight wif elizabeth screaming on the side..

The only drawback: We were sitting in the middle, 5 rows to the screen... (my neck pain a bit but watever, it was worth it...)

It will make you want it...want it so bad..."

So if u haven't seen it already, watchoo waitin' for, matey?

Note to babe

FROM MYSELF I am copper,
through You, friend, I am gold.
From myself I'm a stone,
but through You I am a gem!

Babe, remember our sumpah...

What a friend thinks

I see you happy now my dear friend...
I'm glad..
If dat is what was meant to be..
I'm glad...

It's been so long
Forgot how you look like exactly
But when I saw you yesterday
You looked just like how
I thought a happy person must be..
I'm glad...

It should not take dat long
for you deserve every bit of happiness
I know you do
for everything you've done for me
when I needed you
I'm glad...
It was you...

Wednesday, July 26

A Sunday Matinee - continued

Now where was I?

Oh yes, to cool ourselves down, I suggested we walked over to Mustaffa. Bought dvd (hindi...whaddaya expect?) & some toiletries, place was packed wif Jap tour grps..very hard to find the salesperson, got bulldozed by a shopping cart or trampled by a baby pram every 5 minutes & all ard me i hear Japanese, talk abt confusion.. I pity the babies...not dat i've anything against parents who bring their children to public places(hey, it's a free country!) but wailing, screeching infants in a crowded ctr where every way is One Way... come on...& oh yeah did we ever cool down...

Another thing, when we go mustaffa, we've to hand in our bags/parcels for them to keep but ladies' bags usually they'll just tie 'em wif the cable tie thingy... hubbi smiled at me & said, dun they know these aren't exactly fool-proof? the place packed to the teeth, the tie could just be slid off & after slipping items inside, go over to the hardware section & buy the same cable thing & tie the bag back before exiting & none would be the wiser,,,I remarked back well, let's pray no one thinks like you & if there is, let's pray they have real powerful cctv/security system installed.... sheesh, wat an idea...

Well, after shoping there, we walked back to ps as on the way to mustaffa we were given an LJS flyer. Hubbi's heart already fixed on their current promo & all my ideas to eat masala dosais or chapatis were vetoed... Doesn't really matter anyway as my feet were hurting from all the super brisk walk & shopping cart/baby pram feet screamed louder as i found dat we had taken a longer route..Hubbi's excuse, well u were the one who wanted to walk wat juz now... Me & my big mouth

After dinner, we went in & out knick-knack shops..trying out watever items they had put out in sale... ended up buying a cute pair of toothbrush holders.. but we did need them, u see...

Then, in order to congratulate ourselves for managing to survive the ordeal of the whole day, we had

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I loike!

Oh yes, I've a kitty stuck on my fridge's door..

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Tuesday, July 25

A Sunday Matinee

Had a date wif me hubbi last Sun. the 'date' was out of necessity partly as i'd a little accident wif my v3 more than 3 wks ago. It just won't turn on. The only one svc ctr's located in ps, so we went there thinking happily we would be able to go walk² after that...& maybe even drop by mustaffa ctr..

Hubbi worked till 11.00am on Sun & i treated him to a late lunch @jp. The 'late' part is my fault... i was watching cartoon hehe...hubbi said he can feel ppl staring at him as his tummy growled super-loud.. poor boy..

We got a Q no & i sat down to wait while hubbi walked off his lunch ard the basement before settling down beside me & dozed off... yeaps that was how long we waited.. luckily i brought a book along..there were ard 7 counters but only 4 were operational &time was crawling ultra-slowly by.. Suddenly sumthing caught my attention.. 1 of the svc officer did not punch the Q nos, but sumhow a man just sat in front of her, started talking, brought out his hp & was attended to juz like dat. I roused hubbi to complain to him. He told me to wait for my no while he went & find out wat was up.. apparently this man had missed his turn for after he got his no, he & his itchy-legs walked out.. I remarked loudly: "Then, shouldn't he go & get a new one then.. " To make matters worse, 1 of the ctrs closed fer lunch & now it seemed dat he had 1001 questions to the officer..wat a drag! But, hey, wat just a sec...i gestured to hubbi to observe the svc officer in question. She was giving friendly signals to another customer in front of me... turns out, he was her friend.. & the signals, well u dun have to be a genius to know it meant dat she wld serve him next...hubbi stood in front of the ctr and questioned her coolly. She said the other guy had also missed his no. bullshi*! he came after us.. & when hubbi asked to see his Q tix, it was already thrown away...surprise, surprise... she had the cheek to say sum more that it was company's policy to attend to customers who missed their turns...Hello, even at the doctor's office, u'll have to take another Q no. if u missed ur turn unless it's an emergency..wat rubbish r u telling me then? Hubbi wrote a feedback letter & handed in to another staff citing the incidents and the officer's name.. (that is, if the name's given was true, she wasn't wearing any badge) By this time, my no. had been called at another ctr & while i was waiting for the gal to chk my hp, i overheard another man making noise. He'd seen the incidents & was growing agitated and so he let the so-called store supervisor have it...I signalled to hubbi to ask him to come to the ctr i was at, but i noticed his face was black & he only shook his head. Only after I came out from the shop dat I knew wat happened..the svc officer's fren who managed to jump Q just now had snickered snidely at hubbi when he walked out from the shop..told hubbi it wasn't worth it to lose our cool over these stinkingly rude ppl. He agreed but he was still fuming.. I prayed that the stinking rude guy had left the bldg, for his own stinking sake cos when hubbi's in dat state, that guy won't stand a chance.. not dat i'm saying he wld get beaten up but fer sure, hubbi has his own set of laser mouth & knowing him, things might get out of hand...

wait a sec.. i need to have a drink, now i'm worked up..

Wednesday, July 19

Berita Foto: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

Tsunami yang terjadi Senin (17/7) kemarin, telah menghancurkan kawasan wisata Pantai Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Hingga pagi ini (Selasa, 18/7), korban gempa dan tsunami di Kabupaten Ciamis tercatat 172 orang meninggal dunia.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni

Photo News: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

The Tsunami that had stricken last Monday (17th Jul), had destruct whole recreation area of Pangandaran Beach, West Java. Up till this morning (Tues, 18th Jul), victims of the quake & tsunami in Kabupaten Ciamis are known to be at 172 dead.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources: Kompas Cyber Media)

Of today (19th Jul), reports that come in, 510 people are injured, 165 are missing while 52,400 people had been evacuated. Death tolls are at 337 and are suspected to be rising every hour. (sources: Berita Harian)

Berita Foto: Identifikasi Jenazah Tsunami

Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM
Puluhan warga hari ini (Selasa, 18/7) mendatangi Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) Pangandaran, Ciamis, Jawa Barat untuk mencari sanak keluarga yang hilang. Sekitar 60 jenazah telah berhasil diidentifikasi di tempat ini.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
Photo News: Identification of Tsunami Victims in Pangandaran

Large of number of Pangandaran dwellers came out today (Tuesday, 18th Jul) to Wellness Community Centre(Puskesmas) at Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java in order to look for their lost relatives. At the moment, around 60 victims have been identified here.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources by Kompas Cyber Media)

And here I thought that I would get over you. Really.
I told all my friends & family, I would..
They were not convinced, I don't blame them
But I was so sure of it..
For how long have I known you
I've known my husband longer
We have not even have a decent conversation between us
I don't even know what's your favourite colour
& you don't know mine
For because of this, I know it won't last for long
I would get over you
I told you
& you said, "Fat chance"
"My magic is stronger than you think... You'll be wanting more of me once I'm gone..."
I laughed it was nothing but a schoolgirl's crush
I really would get over you...

My heart worries
but it still thinks of you
Always, always in my heart
For how far I've walked
Always, you are in my heart

Friday, June 16

A perfect dream

So wat have i done?
I joined a fan club, bought concert ticket & even went to the airport to meet their arrival....
This should be the work of someone in their teens going googoo-gaga over a rock band.. not as if i'm a senior citizen, but this type of thing should have passed me by like 10 yrs back. Still, age is nothing but a number. I do like listening to music or watching movies and make an effort in keeping wif wat's hot & wat's not in the entertainment world. This is partly by chance as in today's world, these infos are available at a click of the button... In essence, in the history of Mai lifetime, I have never been such a 'groupie'... i.e., until now...

Somebody made an obvious remark(duh), "hey, you're married, y do dis kinda thing?" SO? i'm not going as a teenybopper screaming my lungs out hoping to in the end that we'll get married etc, etc... well, maybe one of them would see me & might kinda fall for me but after finding out i'm taken, he'd be broken-hearted & it'd inspire him to write another chart-topping hit 4 their upcoming can dream, can one not? :)

Ada apa dengan Peterpan?("What's with Peterpan?")
Not from Never,Neverland...but these 6 man-band hail from Bandung, Indonesia... I dunno their full history & dun intend to narrate it here anyway..Wat i love is their songs.. The difference is very obvious, if u know malay mainstream music..their songs are more abt broken hearts rather than in-love but the lyrics are very strong, clear & sincerely straight. Not gagging mushy things like "i'll die if i dun have ur love" stuff...When i hear their songs, i feel transported..i know wat the feeling exactly is..It's not just abt catchy beats & tunes..
Of course, these songs gave arise to my curiosity...Who are these ppl? What makes them tick? How can it that they have such fluidity in a simple song? When chups said they're flying up here for a showcase, i grab the chance to see them up close & personal..maybe i wun get to ask the above questions..wuddaheck, meeting them will be more than a perfect dream..

Not many picture not a paparazzi..besides, my dgcam's memory card was low..can only hold 9 frames coz sumbody go & save a folder full of their honeymoon pix in it..A good job too, as i duwan to be responsible fer blinding these poor boys from flashes hoever temporary dat may be...

Thursday, June 8

this goes on & on & on & on & on & on & on......

it's starting again...i can feel 'em un my bones, literally... everytime it rains, the aches begin, i want to try stretch out but for the fear of unhingeing my back, i refrained..i can only lie on the side..the doc couldn't find anything wrong other than diagnosing muscle tear at my derriere...& please dun even start on how i'm getting older...Newflash: WE ARE ALL GETTING OLDER-day by day, min by min, nanosec by nanosec...

My mother nagged n blamed for my refusing to drink milk & so she believed i'm suffering from a lack of calcum. Then why dun i drink milk? I will vomit. Strangely though, I thrive on ice-creams. Speaking of which, this calcium thing shd be abt balanced by now from the amount of ice-creams i devoured in my lifetime.

My father, the advocate for healthy living in the most natural way(read:diet/exercise) & who is one hell of a masseuse will jab his fingers in any part of my body & proclaim that he could feel my stomach/thighs/calves/back/etc cold & hard as ice.That is because, ___________(fil in any brand of cold soft drink) has induced bad winds to clot up my arteries and therefore 'jammed up' its systems. He wil then start 2 massage & I will start 2 scream (he insisted that he only applied 20% pressure...a 100% would kill me, yah, no kidding!)

Hubbi is frustrated..luckily not wif me..he just dunno wat else 2 do 2 ease the pain i'm having..
This sweet boy had been doing all the house chores after coming home from work..

I compared notes with a younger cousin who recently got a muscle sprain in her neck..She got the same muscle relaxants as i had been prescribed..It only relaxed her for abt 3hrs after which the pain comes back in hot spasms..same boat.

Monday, June 5

Calling for Back-up!!!!

i want my mom... strange how dis may sound, superwife asking for help, but then, she's desperate..

My back sprain has put me off work for a bit more than a week now. The waist & the hips not communicating to each other. One wants to bend and the other just stays resolutely still..leaving me in stitches of pain dat i can only go to the wc if escorted. I'm typing this while standing actually so for now superwife's hanging her cape...

note to self: must get better before the 17th... iskk....

Sunday, June 4

Two of my dearest sohabah had tied the knot(to each other) not too long ago... May Allah bless your lives always...

We had an 'open house' last sunday...literally open as our main gate was MIA.. we had to call back the contractor to extend the gate size to accommodate the new doorknob. A supposed 2-day job dragged to almost a week. What infuriated Hubbi the most was that the same gal who answered the fone gave 3 different names without even making the effort of disguising her voice. Yah rite like we can't tell... At the long last to get his point across, Hubbi had to threaten a formal complaint in a very loud voice in his office and let the gal know that his colleagues heard it they delivered & we got it at a much reduced price...

Apart from that, the event went great. Due to constraint of space & time, we had to limit the guests to close family & relatives & most of them came.. We'll have another big one for our friends, ok Aai? I promise...

We watched Xmen the day after that. A disappointment...tsk tsk... You could tell the difference this new director did... How could he just kill off the major characters just like that. Cyclops was one of the pioneer Xman & was reputed to take over Xavier's reins. Yes, The Phoenix is a Level 5 mutant but Cyclops can certainly hold his own... To go down without so much of a fight...Love conquers all...huh...I doubt so..To refer back to the marvel comics, that wasn't how cyclops/Xavier died...& i thot The Last Stand had apocalypse making the appearance. Surprise, surprise, a lame excuse for a storyline came up. A mutant cure...duh~...Wolverine softened up, Rogue the one wif the attitude besides Wolvie decided to be cured of her mutancy...aiyoh.. As for Magneto, well maybe Ian's better suited for solving codes..Colossus had a script of exactly 3 words in the whole movie. Maybe the writers' ran out of ink?
Well, I'll remember Xmen's first 2 moovees...& oh yeah, i can always revert to the comics for the good ole whammo

Monday, May 8

life's getting more interesting by the minute... patience is not just mere words to describe a state of controlling emotion/feeling. It's not mere words someone says to you when faced with trying situations.
the term u never know someone unless u live under one roof..maybe cliche but oh so true...
the need to prove how much u're willing to go for that someone...another mushy cliche if i may say but unless you're going through the same thing, dun tell me, "i know..." Cos u dun... u have no idea...

Tuesday, May 2

all hail the Sisterhood of Magnetic Chains...

special tribute to u after an unbelievably amazing had been ages since we meet up, so thankful we'd not lost the special touch..

initial plan was to ice-skate, i was having doubts on my balancing capabilities. But after assuring myself dat i couldn't possibly do much worse than the other skaters in the rink, the counter staff said the rink were closed after 4.30 for their icec-hockey tournament...darn, we headed to k-box but cancelled the niat to sing our hearts out when we saw the pool room..It was certainly no less fun than ice-skating & definitely no less embarrassing hehehe...wat wif the wacky techniques; dunking the cue ball, posing like pros while taking aims, play-cheat in more ways than one especially aai's compulsive itchy hands which must always re-arrange the balls whenever they rolled off..

needless to say, we rule at eating out..good food wif great company is guaranteed kodak moments. Dun underestimate the power of us polishing off the food even piranhas would bow in deference..

movies, scrabble & gossip till wee hours interspersed wif loads of junk food (fossil fuel's a clear winner) i can literally feel the pile of pounds then.

these go out to u:
aai, always belting out peterpan/dewa/some sob malay songs even at 3 am in the morning during scrabble dat had almost put all of us to sleep...after a stellar 1st round, i lost the 2nd round..u purposely did it ah?

nadz, u've been super..letting us crash ur beautiful home..literally... the neighbors must think that we were some idiots having a smashing party(we're no idiots though cos idiots wont know how to have a smashing partee) & hope ur other half didn't regret his consent too much hee hee..

kak yati, ur bubbly presence nevertheless entertained us all...esp when u were posing in a 'brokeback mountain' way at the pool room. i swear the other tables were just jealous & annoyed wif us all.. & yes, we learnt to take ur car decals' sign seriously (grin)

zackeroo, u gave us some out-of-this-world pool techniques (skipping ball move, aim 1 & shoot another move..just to name a few..) introduced us to fossil fuel & made yummy breakfast wif the other gals when aai & me finally passed out in the morn.

Saturday, April 29


i dun like wat u did... i juz dun like... wat did u think? Did u figure u could just use people continuously? Did u think other people will not tire off your endless begging and needless self-pity? Blood run thicker than water..well maybe scientifically..but when u use dat kind of argument more than wats necessary..all the blood in the bank would dry out... Relationships sour, money runs out & dat leaves u where?? Exactly in the same hole as u were in the beginning..probably deeper cos u owe ppl left,right,front,back...Did u think the constant nagging & whining are music to our ears? Did u think ppl would drop everything and rescue u the very instant u cry "Help!" ? Who are u doing this for? Your loved ones? Do they appreciate or do they even know? Or are they using u just as u are using others? U used me when i dun even know that i know u, u are trying to take more & more out of me. Look around your self-centered self. Who dun have problems? Who wouldn't give their right hands to have their troubles magically disappear at the blink of the eye? But life dun operate that way. The word pity is now so over-rated. Get over yourself. Newsflash: the world dun owe u nothing.U keep saying u need the help. Truth of the matter; the ppl who helped u are the ones who deserve it more than u ever do.    

Friday, April 14

Doing the cross-country again.. jw -> sc -> pr -> jw ... very soon. In fact shockingly & nerve-wreckingly 2 days away from MIL's move to wl..the buyer claimed to have been kicked out of their relative's house...called their lawyer who in turn called BIL this morning... Thank god the flat they're moving into has just been fact only yesterday... i've to get back to sc asap now... i'm only here to do project prep work for my k1 class..we're (read: I'm) making a file on sharks... haai~

well, love to stick ard but time's money here... speaking of which, both are what i'm very much in lacking....

Tuesday, April 4

planning for a short holiday... hubbi wanted to climb mt kinabalu... prospects of me climbing it not so good...unless they have a travellator installed within a glass panels to deter icky insects from climbing up my pants... ok, maybe not a travellator but could we have the panels at the very least, pls? neways, price are quite steep, & since both of us need to get back in shape, we'll KIV the kinabalu climb & go to a more exotic location wif less taxing journey...

Remember bout the dreamy dining set? Well, turns out it was not that dreamy...found a better looking, better quality one & which is $200 lesser than the 1st! Woohooo.......

on second far had the "mighty" fall....since when had large inanimate objects such as sofas & dining sets be the focus of my eyes.... *sigh*..dis is 1 of the many life hazards ; me becoming a full-fledged 'makcik² tupperware'
(note to self: need to shop for more small inanimate objects which can be worn on self - clothes, bags, shoes.....)
Scene #1:
u're on the way home, making your way to the trains, minding your own business. Suddenly u were startled when a grp of 5 boys surrounded u. 1 of them carried a baseball bat. They made catcalls, taunted u & tried to coax u go with them. U said no, they accused u of being rebellious. The circle grew smaller & smaller. Paralyzed with fear, u couldn't think of anythin else to do except cry. Just as u thought u might faint out of fear, 3 other boys came to your rescue. They asked what happened & were u allright... The 3 boys wanted to help, the taunting boys jeered and shifted their attention from u to your rescuers. 1 of your saviours told u to run for it & u did... U didn't know wat happened but shortly after dat u saw your rescuers making their way to the trains, bleeding.. your heart went out to them, though u were nervous as hell... They accompanied u to the bus station, fearing the taunting boys' vengeance & wished u well.. U were thanking God so hard that u forgot to ask the 3 boys for their names. Now the very least u wish u knew who they were so u & ur family could thank them properly....

Scene #2:
Ur mom & dad, after hearing the incident insisted to go back to the crime scene and then make a police report. They were shocked to see that the scene took place not on a deserted alley way but on the pedestrians' shelter walkway opposite a bustling 24-hr restaurant. The nerve of these young punks, your dad muttered angrily..U went to the nearby police post and lodged a statement, or tried to... the officer didn't seem surprised nor expressed concern for ur well-being. Instead demanded if u knew the taunting boys personally or might have been the one to incite the whole scenario (the way u were dressed, u wouldn't even tempt the most hard-core Cassanova)... U were still in shock so ur words could not come out right, hence the bored,impatient look on the officer's face. Since u could not remember much of the boys' description ( wat did the officer expect, u had never seen them in ur whole entire life + u were in shock...) the officer kept repeating that there wasn't much to be done. The officer asked again, insisted if u knew the boys & whether u'd exchanged contact nos beforehand, u didn't know what to think..was the officer hallucinating the whole time or were u? Then the officer just said offhandedly that if such things were to recur again, u shd be contacting the police asap, to quote the officer, "tell them: i have handphone & i'll call the police so if u dare, touch me la..." Now, hadn't u mention 1 of them had a bat, before u could say boo, he would have smash it into smithereens, if u're lucky, that's all they would have done...& the very last thing in the world u'd do is to taunt/tempt the taunters back especially when u knew u were outnumbered, could be outrun & un-outfitted with an equal weapon to boot ...Ur mom & dad were horrified with the patronising way of the officer handling your statement though they tried hard to conceal it.

The aboce scenes occurred on your birthday... wat else could happen next?

Sunday, March 26

went ikea wif hubby, wanting to buy dining set. Happened now got big furnishing sale there..oh yeah, place was undersiege wif people pushing carts, elbowing other people, grabbing items of shelves, dragging young children screaming for toys... When we got to the dept, none of the design were interesting enuf..actually we had set our eyes on particular item but when we saw it again, both of us thought dat it's not dat great, besides, DAT particular piece is still on U.P. no sale!
So, instead of buying something which both of us would regret spending money on besideswhich, the price isn't dat reasonable, we called abah & mak Tag-Team to the rescue... Turned out dat both of them were at the hub shopping themselves.. hehe.. With the AbahMobile(AM), they picked us up and brought us to the nearest makan place in boon keng for fueling-up, needed to tackle the on-slaught of furniture shops on crazy mad sale...
Wif the Tag-Team & the AM on full tank, nothing can stop us!!!!

We took on several shops along paya lebar inds areas, saw a couple design but where the design is pleasing, we felt the size was too big...but where the size was just nice, the design is something which we wouldn't even put in our store room..sigh...The Tag-Team was also on the look-out for a computer table for anone, the ShopVader who was following us, explaining & reassuring his products can be seen rubbing his hands & grinning like mad on the sly perhaps thinking of a big, fat commission... while looking at our 2nd shop, i happened across a nice big sofa dat can double up as a small bed for 1..just rite for our TV area..Hubbi thot so too..after arguing the merits and the exact place to put if we buy it, hubbi flashed out the light-money-sabre and put the deposit down... He was estatic, the ShopVader i meant, after us finally interested to buy something after a long hard battle of the bargain.. Tag-Team decided to sit this one out & be spectator sports... :

After an arduous journey, at the second last shop...somewhere near geylang police ctr, we found THE ONE! Everything about it checks on our list and it screams PERFECT! Mak asked if it's big enuf, well if it is big, we might have to place it on the corridor (no space!) Hubbi said part of our winning strategy is we should never show our interest..we walked on around asking about other sets, bargain-battling as well and finally back to the set of our dreams..We didn't win the war as hubbi set greater sights & as the Tag-Team said we should survey other shops 1st before finally conquering this one... hmm..

The last shop we went, well to cut the story short, even the shop's name puts us off but the Tag-Team said we shouldn't discount the enemy's threat too soon..& so we entered...and just as fast we exited..

Well, our long battle has yield magnificently..we now have decided what & where to just waiting for the other 1/2 of the Tag-Team to return so as to resume our conquest of the Ultimate Dining Set...

Wednesday, March 22

Started as a part time teacher at a nearby was..challenging will be under-rating as usual being kids;
brutally honest,
obedient & the lack of it,
well, they are a lively bunch of contradictions....sucking my energy reducing a "healthy" young woman in a heap each single day... & i love them fer it..They made me lose weight! hee hee More so as i travel on foot to & fro...And yesterday, just as a thought dat i've not call mom fer quite a long time while walking home, i twisted my right ankle on the sidewalk kerb. Was God angry and therefore sent me this as a retribution? Who knows & neways, i'm not about to go analyzing God's work.. What I DO know for a fact i'm a klutz..yep, i am...i can be walking fine & dandy and before you can say "oh brother" i'm down clutching my foot/leg/whatever-limb that hurts...The loads of scab marks on me can testify to dat...Went to the polyclinic dis morning & i got 2 days mc.. haha just as i was thinking for getting a perfect clean work record

******** Special prayers for Uncle Ali & family... May Allah help them*************

Monday, March 13

All the best Jannah dear...may God bless your engagement & may you find happiness & joy in it all the way thru to marriage...

Saturday, March 11

This is to touch base... yep aai had dutifully informed me my tagboard has yet again AWOL for the 100th time, thanx dearie...

The aunties/uncles/cousins been meaningfully asking if i've gotten "it"/"good news"/"dah ada(in malay meaning gotten it)".. one had remarked that i may have inherited late pregnancy syndrome from me mom... on the outside, i just shook my head and said "i dunno"... on the inside... God only knows... how could one predict such things when one isn't even a qualified MD/ObGyn... Did one see it from my face/palm/tea leaves or watever they might use to tell the future? How could one just dispense such remarks so offhandedly? Hell, i'm mad for this one remark that not only affected me but my mother as well... sheesh...

Since then, i've been stocking up infos on conceptions/pregnancies and the like..bought dozens of tests & cried when the window indicator remained blank... see?? See??!!! what YOU'd made me do? YOU're lucky my hubbi's been keeping a level head while i've been losing mine...

Allah, help me...