Thursday, August 10

Bila nak tunjuk 'terer'.....

Believe or not yours truly got roped in to join 1 of nusms' team of bowlers 1 saturday...a competition organised by sp mls @The Chevrons. & all thanx to my sis cum team manager cum cheerleader cum watergirl -(aaaa..sumer title dia angkutlah..)i was in! hubbi came took leave to support me...hehe..actually i forced him to but he gladly welcomed the break...

oh yeah... we played a mean game of bowling...unfortunately some other teams got meaner.. but being non-sourgrapes, we accept our loss with grace & dignity... aper yg aku membebel ni?

1st was the trial round, then 2 rounds of play... nusms sent 2 teams team: amino (chief of the pack, full of acidic moves), fasha (our main striker complete wif spinning bowls), & 'kak' aisyah (she looks so cool, yet she set fire in the bowling alleys)...i paled in comparison...literally.. but all in gd fun, even we did not win,fasha & aisyah was among the top 3 individual bowlers...& i did not do too shabbily either...ok i sucked but at least i did not suck as bad as i usually did..a definite & positive improvement even i f i say so myself...

So here's to you, team...thanx fer the great moral support when the pins swayed side by side yet did not fall... thanx fer not laffing, when my ball went down the drain...esp thanx fer the great company u all proved to be... to risk being corny: dat was wat team spirit is all wot amino(team leader) had remarked @ the end of our pep talk:
"tak menang takpe...asal jgn kalah jer... "

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