Wednesday, July 19

Berita Foto: Identifikasi Jenazah Tsunami

Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM
Puluhan warga hari ini (Selasa, 18/7) mendatangi Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) Pangandaran, Ciamis, Jawa Barat untuk mencari sanak keluarga yang hilang. Sekitar 60 jenazah telah berhasil diidentifikasi di tempat ini.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
Photo News: Identification of Tsunami Victims in Pangandaran

Large of number of Pangandaran dwellers came out today (Tuesday, 18th Jul) to Wellness Community Centre(Puskesmas) at Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java in order to look for their lost relatives. At the moment, around 60 victims have been identified here.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources by Kompas Cyber Media)

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