Wednesday, July 19

Berita Foto: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

Tsunami yang terjadi Senin (17/7) kemarin, telah menghancurkan kawasan wisata Pantai Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Hingga pagi ini (Selasa, 18/7), korban gempa dan tsunami di Kabupaten Ciamis tercatat 172 orang meninggal dunia.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni

Photo News: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

The Tsunami that had stricken last Monday (17th Jul), had destruct whole recreation area of Pangandaran Beach, West Java. Up till this morning (Tues, 18th Jul), victims of the quake & tsunami in Kabupaten Ciamis are known to be at 172 dead.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources: Kompas Cyber Media)

Of today (19th Jul), reports that come in, 510 people are injured, 165 are missing while 52,400 people had been evacuated. Death tolls are at 337 and are suspected to be rising every hour. (sources: Berita Harian)

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