Wednesday, July 26

A Sunday Matinee - continued

Now where was I?

Oh yes, to cool ourselves down, I suggested we walked over to Mustaffa. Bought dvd (hindi...whaddaya expect?) & some toiletries, place was packed wif Jap tour grps..very hard to find the salesperson, got bulldozed by a shopping cart or trampled by a baby pram every 5 minutes & all ard me i hear Japanese, talk abt confusion.. I pity the babies...not dat i've anything against parents who bring their children to public places(hey, it's a free country!) but wailing, screeching infants in a crowded ctr where every way is One Way... come on...& oh yeah did we ever cool down...

Another thing, when we go mustaffa, we've to hand in our bags/parcels for them to keep but ladies' bags usually they'll just tie 'em wif the cable tie thingy... hubbi smiled at me & said, dun they know these aren't exactly fool-proof? the place packed to the teeth, the tie could just be slid off & after slipping items inside, go over to the hardware section & buy the same cable thing & tie the bag back before exiting & none would be the wiser,,,I remarked back well, let's pray no one thinks like you & if there is, let's pray they have real powerful cctv/security system installed.... sheesh, wat an idea...

Well, after shoping there, we walked back to ps as on the way to mustaffa we were given an LJS flyer. Hubbi's heart already fixed on their current promo & all my ideas to eat masala dosais or chapatis were vetoed... Doesn't really matter anyway as my feet were hurting from all the super brisk walk & shopping cart/baby pram feet screamed louder as i found dat we had taken a longer route..Hubbi's excuse, well u were the one who wanted to walk wat juz now... Me & my big mouth

After dinner, we went in & out knick-knack shops..trying out watever items they had put out in sale... ended up buying a cute pair of toothbrush holders.. but we did need them, u see...

Then, in order to congratulate ourselves for managing to survive the ordeal of the whole day, we had

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I loike!

Oh yes, I've a kitty stuck on my fridge's door..

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