Tuesday, April 4

Scene #1:
u're on the way home, making your way to the trains, minding your own business. Suddenly u were startled when a grp of 5 boys surrounded u. 1 of them carried a baseball bat. They made catcalls, taunted u & tried to coax u go with them. U said no, they accused u of being rebellious. The circle grew smaller & smaller. Paralyzed with fear, u couldn't think of anythin else to do except cry. Just as u thought u might faint out of fear, 3 other boys came to your rescue. They asked what happened & were u allright... The 3 boys wanted to help, the taunting boys jeered and shifted their attention from u to your rescuers. 1 of your saviours told u to run for it & u did... U didn't know wat happened but shortly after dat u saw your rescuers making their way to the trains, bleeding.. your heart went out to them, though u were nervous as hell... They accompanied u to the bus station, fearing the taunting boys' vengeance & wished u well.. U were thanking God so hard that u forgot to ask the 3 boys for their names. Now the very least u wish u knew who they were so u & ur family could thank them properly....

Scene #2:
Ur mom & dad, after hearing the incident insisted to go back to the crime scene and then make a police report. They were shocked to see that the scene took place not on a deserted alley way but on the pedestrians' shelter walkway opposite a bustling 24-hr restaurant. The nerve of these young punks, your dad muttered angrily..U went to the nearby police post and lodged a statement, or tried to... the officer didn't seem surprised nor expressed concern for ur well-being. Instead demanded if u knew the taunting boys personally or might have been the one to incite the whole scenario (the way u were dressed, u wouldn't even tempt the most hard-core Cassanova)... U were still in shock so ur words could not come out right, hence the bored,impatient look on the officer's face. Since u could not remember much of the boys' description ( wat did the officer expect, u had never seen them in ur whole entire life + u were in shock...) the officer kept repeating that there wasn't much to be done. The officer asked again, insisted if u knew the boys & whether u'd exchanged contact nos beforehand, u didn't know what to think..was the officer hallucinating the whole time or were u? Then the officer just said offhandedly that if such things were to recur again, u shd be contacting the police asap, to quote the officer, "tell them: i have handphone & i'll call the police so if u dare, touch me la..." Now, hadn't u mention 1 of them had a bat, before u could say boo, he would have smash it into smithereens, if u're lucky, that's all they would have done...& the very last thing in the world u'd do is to taunt/tempt the taunters back especially when u knew u were outnumbered, could be outrun & un-outfitted with an equal weapon to boot ...Ur mom & dad were horrified with the patronising way of the officer handling your statement though they tried hard to conceal it.

The aboce scenes occurred on your birthday... wat else could happen next?

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