Saturday, March 11

This is to touch base... yep aai had dutifully informed me my tagboard has yet again AWOL for the 100th time, thanx dearie...

The aunties/uncles/cousins been meaningfully asking if i've gotten "it"/"good news"/"dah ada(in malay meaning gotten it)".. one had remarked that i may have inherited late pregnancy syndrome from me mom... on the outside, i just shook my head and said "i dunno"... on the inside... God only knows... how could one predict such things when one isn't even a qualified MD/ObGyn... Did one see it from my face/palm/tea leaves or watever they might use to tell the future? How could one just dispense such remarks so offhandedly? Hell, i'm mad for this one remark that not only affected me but my mother as well... sheesh...

Since then, i've been stocking up infos on conceptions/pregnancies and the like..bought dozens of tests & cried when the window indicator remained blank... see?? See??!!! what YOU'd made me do? YOU're lucky my hubbi's been keeping a level head while i've been losing mine...

Allah, help me...

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