Friday, June 16

A perfect dream

So wat have i done?
I joined a fan club, bought concert ticket & even went to the airport to meet their arrival....
This should be the work of someone in their teens going googoo-gaga over a rock band.. not as if i'm a senior citizen, but this type of thing should have passed me by like 10 yrs back. Still, age is nothing but a number. I do like listening to music or watching movies and make an effort in keeping wif wat's hot & wat's not in the entertainment world. This is partly by chance as in today's world, these infos are available at a click of the button... In essence, in the history of Mai lifetime, I have never been such a 'groupie'... i.e., until now...

Somebody made an obvious remark(duh), "hey, you're married, y do dis kinda thing?" SO? i'm not going as a teenybopper screaming my lungs out hoping to in the end that we'll get married etc, etc... well, maybe one of them would see me & might kinda fall for me but after finding out i'm taken, he'd be broken-hearted & it'd inspire him to write another chart-topping hit 4 their upcoming can dream, can one not? :)

Ada apa dengan Peterpan?("What's with Peterpan?")
Not from Never,Neverland...but these 6 man-band hail from Bandung, Indonesia... I dunno their full history & dun intend to narrate it here anyway..Wat i love is their songs.. The difference is very obvious, if u know malay mainstream music..their songs are more abt broken hearts rather than in-love but the lyrics are very strong, clear & sincerely straight. Not gagging mushy things like "i'll die if i dun have ur love" stuff...When i hear their songs, i feel transported..i know wat the feeling exactly is..It's not just abt catchy beats & tunes..
Of course, these songs gave arise to my curiosity...Who are these ppl? What makes them tick? How can it that they have such fluidity in a simple song? When chups said they're flying up here for a showcase, i grab the chance to see them up close & personal..maybe i wun get to ask the above questions..wuddaheck, meeting them will be more than a perfect dream..

Not many picture not a paparazzi..besides, my dgcam's memory card was low..can only hold 9 frames coz sumbody go & save a folder full of their honeymoon pix in it..A good job too, as i duwan to be responsible fer blinding these poor boys from flashes hoever temporary dat may be...

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