Friday, December 29

what you mean to me

& so i was just thinking back t the time when i was still a kid... How easy it was to find friends.. u know, u just need to be standing in front of my place and the next thing you know, we'll be playing like the bestest of friends....played with our barbie dolls & our mother's old flower pots with spoiled /used soils which we pretend to be our kitchen cooking nothing in particular but i'd know we'd have so much fun...& we'll talk, we'll swap many brothers/sisters we have & which cartoon is our favourite on TV...oh & u like chocolate ice-cream? I do too...Yaayy!!! Best friends forever! We'd do everything together, go mama shops or to the playground, tried to dress or do the hair like each other. Practically joined at the hip. It was like having a twin sister/brother only we had different sets of parents...Oh, the simple life..

Nowadays, you don't even leave the door open & if it was open & u find someone loitering in front of your house, you'd call the police...wat i'm tring to say is dat, as we grow up and as we expereince all these expereinces that we experienced, we tend to be more guarded and wary of our surroundings.. u may never know, the person whom you'd trust with your innermost secrets may be the very person to use it on you & break your heart... the worst kind of betrayal is the one unleashed upon u by your own people...friends, family'd tend to be cynical and presume the worst of people especially of people whom you only know of slightly. trust is far away from your mind..and because of dat too, perhaps, you don't see the need to engage new best friends..the process of getting to know each other & discovering our similarities & differences and to adapt to one another seem to be more tedious & complicated & if we're not too careful, it might just to lead to more heartbreaks...

which is why, I am ever so grateful that during this short course of my life, I've found some pretty kewl (and if i may add, krazy as well) friends to share my joys, my sorrows...they are also the ones who wouldn't hesitate telling me off when i deserved a telling-off..they helped me to be where I am today & if not for them, I may be a lonely and bitter, not-so-old-yet-not-so-young woman today...

This is for you, my friends...

..thank you & I love you

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