Friday, October 27

Aah-choo, Aah-choom...Aah-choom, Ooh la la...

2 days out...couldn't get up...feels like my head was abt to throw up its contents...

tot i'd have grown out of this phase... 'demam raya' (E'id fever) is not merely a figurative phrase... I have always been down with fever for as long as i can occurs during the 1st week and had ever lasted for as long as 9 days... had to get injection almost everytime as usually the thermo would hit the jackpot of 41 deg... where, u ask? on my butt of cos... the family doc would always exclaim his greeting (reserved specially for me) : "I've been wondering when u're gonna turn up for the usual..." oh yeah...alhamdulillah i've long passed more derriere injection...just this fishy flu hanging about me... oh, wait a sec.. *sneeze, snort* *chillisgivesupchasingafterherextremelyrunnynose*

not only demam raya...i also have the "demam periksa" (exam fever) which will systemically shows up just a week before exam starts...still remember the study week during poly ever-so-helpful-and-concerned frens flocking to my house....advising me to take better care of my health becos they need to borrow my lecture/tutorial notes

...dose were the daze...

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