Friday, September 15

Welcome back... my pc's blue screen censored me from accessing earlier... Anyways, God willing all shd be ok... though i still get the Run error: 71 Disk not ready dialog box everytime it starts... i can't find the solution on windows website but then i'm not that bothered as long as i managed to log on & clear my overloaded overdue & overjunked email spaces... *sigh*
been @ darul like every weekend this past weeks... although not many old faces turn up, thankfully the usual suspects faithfully turn up in the midst of their busy-ness of moving house / school activities / never-ending house chores / frying chickens... heh heh.. oh & the crash of the puny little desktop pc... *bleargh*... i get chills remembering the 4am tragedy.. & dat reminds me something else..aai, u gotta teach me photoshop..i mastered the cut/paste thingy oredi so we can go on the next chapter..

Been watching supernova since day 1..Jason Newsted of Metallica, Gilby Clarke from Guns N Roses & bad, mad lil drummer boy Tommy Lee of Motley Crew launched a worldwide search of a lead singer for their new band. Been a huge fan of New York's own Ryan Star since his Paint It Black perf...& he totally blew me away wif his rendition of REM's "Losing My Religion" initially i tot he was cocky...well he's brilliant so i guess he's entitled. But, through the edited reality tv show & watever webisodes i get to d/load, Ryan is more of a loner & he expresses himself better thru his songs. His attitude, well, whose hair won't stand on ends(literally)when u have to stay in a house full of complete strangers aspiring to be the next big rocker.... catfights are not uncommon & the ones dat like to start 'em up seemed to be the boys.. what gives?
my 2nd & 3rd most favouritest would be
Toby the thunder from down under & the MAGNIficent Iceman respectively...
Toby the house prankster went buck naked to play a song with Gilby & conned Dilana to do the same..the folks esp the gals of coz didn't mind, what wif his beach bod & surfer good looks... EVS...but he definitely can work the crowd, rock with the house band & all the while singing so effortlessly. By 2nd verse he had people singing along to his own original "Throw It Away".
Magni : can fire things up wif his guitar-playing & spot-on vocals has a cute little baby boy rooting for him back in his homeland...awww...this rocker has a soft side when 1 of the episodes showed him getting a video from his family showing the toddler's first few steps & Magni's hot molten lava crumbles... Jimi Hendrix wld be proud of his 'FIRE'
Yesterday (East Indian Standard Time), they finally named their lead singer...Alas, none of my boys cut it...Ryan was out on Week 9..however, he was called back on the finale to perform his own original song as it was voted to be the fan fav, & becos of dat too, he won a cool Honda ride. His song title? "Back of Your Car" ..sweet irony...
Toby & Magni whom made it into the final four were also the 1st two rockers to be cut. But not before their spectacular elimination perfs which absolutely shows the mind & judging capacity of the voting nations...
Ryan's gonna launch his album soon & i have a feeling that the world's not hearing the last from Mr Toby & Mr Magni either... Chk out
My Video & you might see why~

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