Thursday, December 8

Play nice

Truth be told I been sitting here staring at the screen with my mouth hanging partially open wondering what i shd say... how i shd start? hello world i'm back again after an AWOL time?? urgh~ I am NOT in the mood

anyways, there are other pressing things need to be done other than making inane attempts at inane topics to be inanely discussed... i'm pissed.. seriously.. at whom you ask? u genuinely interested to hear my rantings? as if anyone cares.. oh well u can get the $%@#! out for all i know... i'm seriously pissed wif people's attitude now..why can't we be nice? why can't we give up our precious seats for those preggy ladies or old folks or whoever needs them? why are we rushing ahead uncaringly bumping our limbs(read:butts) or our parcels(read:astronomically-sized bags) to unsuspecting fellows? why must there public display of over affection? For goodness' sake, get a room!!!

Was in the public bus recently and a grp of secondary school boys were seated near yours truly.. i just got down from an extremely crowded mrt filled wif inconsiderate, bumping ppl plus the public displayers, generally speaking, was already disgusted by the time i was seated in the bus and was hopin' & prayin' nothing else happens. What else could happen next, you wonder.. These said group of boys(malay/muslims) were fooling around with each other, making jokes and first i couldn't care less..but as it grew louder i could not help but notice they were getting exceptionally pointed..exclusively to one of the boys who was of indian descent.. they were racist remarks such as the skin colour, smell and speaking dialects directed at the poor boy (i was thinkin if these are so-called friends, the poor guy shd just lose them... not worth it) not gonna start another blogging hoo-haa by repeating the remarks anyhow here but i do want this chance to reflect.. in the midst of the malay/muslim remarks being spewed off insensitively.. the malay/muslim boys are behaving as such themselves.. Lemme reiterate here that i do not condone the ragging done by the bloggers but are we behaving in a respectable manner ourselves?

ok, i'm getting too angry & emotional to make sense here but i do hope some points can be taken from the above episode: all in all what me trying to say is check before we go blabbering to other people... do not do unto others what u dun want them to bloody do unto you...
oh & please, play nice..

Monday, October 10

welcome home

can't sleep.. why?

feeling excited & thrilled & anxious...


my hubbi's coming home later this morning after 8 long, harrowing, punishing days in reservist.. yeah me menjeng but then dis is my 1st taste of eating/drinking/sleeping/waking without him for full 8 days and i'm told dat dis won't be the last for at least another 5 yrs perhaps.. & May I say dat the taste is not to my liking though hubbi had proudly & patriotically stated dat it's his responsibility to take care of his loved ones and he is doing exactly dat by committing to it.. but he agreed dat it's been long enuf. i pray that HE keeps my hubbi safe..ameen..

dis time round hubbi had to start fasting in camp..da pooorrrr thing but u know wat, in a way i'm thankful for this separation as it really made me realise just how much this stubborn but fierecely-loving guy means to this stubborn & gorgeously enchanting me..heheh Seriously, it makes me count the seconds till he's coming home, makes me miss him like crazy and remembering him in my prayers & waiting antsily for the phone to ring and it would be him on the other line.. In other words, as though falling back in love all over again...

1st iftar @DA

Went to DA last Saturday for iftar. Been positively ages since I stepped back there and met old chums.. aai picked me up and I guess she just loves challenges for she made me her street navigator.. a) There is no love lost between me & maps.  b) Sense of direction..wat da heck is dat?

Through God’s Merciful Graces, we managed to arrive @DA without any major hang-ups although I did manage to make her confused for about 3 times..heh, but fellow readers you would be wrong to think dat I am writing abt was not at least till jiha arrived and laughingly told us she just got knocked down by a van.

Yup! She stood there and told us that it was funny and that it was one of the most embarrassing things to happen in broad daylight among 2000 people milling around looking for food in the nearby bazaar. We were absolutely horrified, and had to drag her amidst her protests to a nearby clinic but it was after 5 and none was open.  She appeared relieved. jiha, being jiha she was more concerned of being embarrassed and of not wanting to be a bother. heh, we were worried if there might be any internal injuries for only after iftar she begun to complain of aches..  Oh, I forgot to mention that the van in question sped off making this case a hit & run..

Everyone was worried and so, not taking any of her ‘nonsenses’, we brought her to a nearby 24Hr clinic. The doc looked a bit peeved to see all 3 of us in his room together wif jiha, but hey the person to be concerened wif was jiha & not him.. hehe.. he asked for the whole details and pressed on her arms and her ribs to chk if there might be a fracture but he still told her to get some xray done as a precaution. The doc said no matter how small the injuries are, it is imperative to record details of the driver or the very least the license plate.. all we know dat it was a blue van.. poor jiha she looked very scared when she heard dat her aches could be serious. We immediately decided to get her to a&e on the very same nite & dat she shd inform her parents. She sounded shaky so we thot it was better dat I talked to her mum before her mum unnecessarily panicked & called the whole bandwagon.

@ the a&e it was another 2 hours wait..seemed like the whole eastern part of spore was having a gathering.. she went in wif kak yati while me (wif the classified section- looking for job) & aai, yakked our heads off  outside. After the xray had been done she was told she was clear & besides initial shock, it was only her muscles suffering the stretch..They made a police report there too & jiha got her wish, cute police officers taking down her statement.. hehe..

At first we half-seriously thinking of going mustafa & sahur outside but i think we have had enuf excitement for one day and much needed the rest, so I finally got home at abt half past midnite courtesy of aai driving but at least wif a heart not so heavy knowing jiha is not in any danger..

Sunday, October 9

Point of View

"Men are comic", she said, smiling dreamily. Not knowing whether this indicated praise or blame, I answered noncommittantly: "Quite true."
"Really, my husband's a regular Othello. Sometimes I'm sorry I married him."
I looked helplessly at her. "until you explain--" I began.
"Oh, I forgot that you haven't heard. About three weeks ago, I was walking home with my husband through the square. I had a large black hat on, which suits me awfully well, and my cheeks were quite pink from walking. As we passed under a streetlight, a pale , dark-haired fellow standing nearby glanced at me and suddenly took my husband by his sleeve.
"Would you oblige me with a light," he says. Alexander pulled his arm away, stooped down and quicker than lightning, banged him on the head with a brick. He fell like a log. Awful!"
"Why, what on earth made your husband get jealous all of a sudden?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I told you men are very comic."
Bidding her farewell, I went out, and at the corner came across her husband.
"Hello, old chap," I said. "They tell me you've been breaking people's heads."
He burst out laughing. "So you've talking to my wife. It was jolly lucky that brick came to pat into my hand. Otherwise, just think: I had about fifteen hundred rubles in my pocket, and my wife was wearing her diamond earrings."
"Do you think he wanted to rob you?"
"A man accosts you in a deserted spot, asks for a light, and gets hold of your arm. What more do you want?"
Perplexed, I left him and walked on.
"There's no catching you today," I heard a voice say from behind.
I looked around and saw a friend I hadn't set eyes upon for three weeks.
"Lord!" I exclaimed. "What on earth has happened to you?"
He smiled faintly and asked in turn: "Do you know whether any lunatics have been at large lately? I was attacked by one three weeks ago. I left the hospital only today."
With sudden interest, I asked: "Three weeks ago? Were you sitting in the square?"
"Yes, I was. The most absurd thing. I was sitting in the square, dying for a smoke. No matches! After ten minutes or so, a gentleman passed with some old hag. He was smoking. I go up to him, touch him on the sleeve and ask in my most polite manner: "Can you oblige me with a light?" And what do you think? The mad man stoops down, picks something up, and the next moment I am lying on the ground with a broken head, unconscious. You probably read about it in the newspapers."
I looked at him and asked earnestly: "Do you really believe you met up with a lunatic?"
"I am sure of it."
Anyhow, afterwards I was eagerly digging in old back numbers of the local paper. At last I found what I was looking for: A short note in the accident column.

Yesterday morning, the keepers of the square found on a bench ayoung man whose parents show him to be of good family. He had evidently fallen to the ground while in a state of extreme intoxication, and had broken his head on a nearby brick. The distress of the prodigal's parents is indescribable.

"Point of view" by A. Averchenko in Social Work Processes, 3rd ed., Compton & Galaway, Pg: 302 - 303, The Dorsey Press, Homewood, Illinois, 1984.

Thursday, September 22


When you look at me
What do you see?
Do you see someone
trying to do better
to be better?
Or someone
pretending to be better
to do better..?

Sunday, September 18

A day to remember

Supposed to be a good day. one of my junior cousins from the Kutty Klan got married…
I woke up on the wrong side of bed, or perhaps pms… whatever the reason was, it was not good enuf to excuse my behaviour.. I was a bit of Miss Attitude (chk out the capital A).. in fact it was inexcusable… very ashamed in fact for making such a hoo-ha of it.. Now I’m not interested in rehashing the whole episode, I’m just so embarrassed and appalled at myself..

Sorry dearest kuz, u know who u are…. U definitely did not deserve dat. I really intend to help, but all I saw was “red” dis way and dat and I guess, I listened to the devil’s whispering sweet nothings much too much, thus i made the situation worse. Sitting alone in front of the PC now, I wish, I wish, I wish I could turn back the clock and make sure I behave better… well nasi dah jadi bubur, serves me rite?

Even though u’re much younger than me but u’re a much bigger person for forgiving and overlooking my shamefully childish behaviour…

Moral of the story: I’ll never show myself in public until my Miss A is in check and out of the picture..

Wednesday, September 14

Mon ami's chain

(These are in no random order):

7 things that scare me
1. My laziness
2. Always forgetting
3. My habitual & an almost ritualistic prone to accidents
4. creepy crawlies especially when mai hubbi's not around to squash them for me
5. dark, constricted places
6. falling asleep and waking up mugged in public
7. being chased by cats & dogs alike

7 things i like most
1. Knowing He is oft-forgiving and all Merciful when I sometimes lapse in remembering Him.
2. my friends
3. teasing mai hubbi
5. playing & completely ruling over his Xbox games
6. junk food
7. MaK's chicken curry

7 most important things in my room- technically my would-be-shared-room
1. my ergonomic bed
2. my magnetic pillow
3. my huge built-in wardrobe
4. my handphone charger
5. the attached bathroom for late-nite crisis
6. the window
7. Its curtains ...'nuff said...

7 random facts about me
1. I wake up cranky no matter how short/long i sleep
2. the longest i''ve been in an employment was 2.5 months (short stint but long story)
3. I've an unhealthy amount of Shahrukh Khan's movies in my vcd/dvd collection
4. I'm my worst critic
5. I'm people's worst critic, believe me i'm the person you'd been warned against to be mixing with.
6. I love my family & friends & would do anything within the limited God-given capabilities to help them.
7. I've hairy arms

7 things i can do
1. By God's grace, wake up and go to sleep safe wif mai hubbi alongside me
2. I can paint walls...I helped hubbi to paint our flat, very nice & looks professional too.
3. I can finally wash our clothes wif a washing machine, thanks to abah
4. I can communicate more freely wif mother-in-law
5. I can clean fish though not so masterfully or tastefully done
6. I can walk past shops wif abundant clothes, bags & shoes on 70% discount without buying a single thing, not even a measly scarf that i know i have 3 years' supply of
7. I'm able to, with His help, have more time on earth to count all my blessings & remember Him.

7 things i can't do
1. walk without tripping over my own foot or bumping into things
2. abstain myself from chocolates more than 3 consecutive days
3. go about my day without hubbi's knowledge/permission
4. read maps
5. talk with my tongue sticking out
6. have regular dosage of decent gossip sessions wif my gals :(
7. tell people off outright when they had done me wrong. I usually keep to myself first and feel absolutely frustrated later.

7 things i say the most
1. "hubbi...?" (no contest here)
2. "what the...?!"
3. "i love you.." (yep, go ahead & vomit)
4. "what time you finish work today?"
5. "nak makan apa?"
6. "assalamu'alaikum"
7. "wa'alaikumussalam"

7 celeb crushes
1. Shahrukh khan (again, no contest)
2. brad pitt
3. will smith (what can i say, i always have a soft spot for a funny guy who sings)
4. hugh jackman @ wolverine ..
5. ricky martin (juz drives me loca when he sings in those smooth, sexy latino voice of his)
6. eminem (his bad boy image just appeals to me)
7. rosyam nor (an outstanding m'sian actor who has a great personality & character)
Met up wif MaK for some bit of shopping in bedok then we went on to meet aBaH @ Yaasalam for dinner last evening. I came from JW & MaK sportingly agreed to take bus and meet me @the interchange which she normally wouldn't do unless aBaH is driving. very grateful..Ordered a bouquet for my cousin's wedding dis weekend too.

Looking back, funny how nowadays I'm counting more & more on MaK & aBaH..well more on MaK. I could still remember the time I wouldn't be caught dead shopping @ NTUC wif MaK on tow instructing me to fetch dis & dat. It even got on the verge of taboo if one is enjoying dinner wif the said set of parents.

Well, perhaps MaK's recent sickness had slapped me the fact of one's mortality directly on my face. Or perhaps the recent status i 'd acquired dat made me realise - my parents are normal people who have considerably great insights on world events like the recent hurricane katrina. Or, perhaps my mom's missing me more since i'm no longer under 1 roof & she can't nag me as usual on my sloppiness in fixing hubbi's food & clothes. I could go on & on... Thank you ALLAH for all the blessings you've given me & my family. Please keep all of my family, relatives & friends in constant good health & situation. Please guide us in the busy-ness of our daily pursuits so as dat we do not forget YOU and may we always be striving in YOUR cause, Insyaa ALLAH..

Saturday, August 6

a brief respite


been ages since i last checked in...

been like a crazed nomad lugging bags of clothes from Sembawang --->>> Pasir Ris --->>> Jurong W --->>> Sembawang --->>> Pasir Ris --->>> Jurong W ............. & so on............

been inhaling too much paint & turpentine from JW...

been scared to death when mak was having a terrible ache @her neck/shoulder nerves & joints... almost thought she might have to be warded in hospital when she could not even get up from bed.. cried buckets too... a touch dramatic but hey you try be in my shoe, seeing your mum like dat, and feeling helpless & useless being unable to do anything to alleviate her pain...

been to the doctor last nite as yours truly had carelessly cut her right thumb while opening a can of corned beef... This was my maiden attempt cooking at the in-laws'... Need I say more?

Have not's

been in contact with friends for almost a month i think... miss them... ooooohhhhh~~

been on honeymoon yet but insyaa Allah soon will be spending quality time wif my hubbi!!!

Sunday, June 12

Closed For Inventory

Needed to think more, feel less...

Saturday, June 11

Did something today dat reminded me of my holiday@factory job... routine, line production thingy and how i'm looking for reasons any reason at all to escape the drudgery of the mundane work. Went to the bathroom, ate a little bit, watch tv too but in thend, I resolved, well, i gotta do what mom said I gotta do or else... (you're welcome to fill in the blanks)

Oh.. Juz realized dat i've been goin on & on whereas had not really specified what the monkeyshine it's all about. I had been folding 200 plastic bags to hold chocs & sweets to be given out on the 19th.. Well granny's been a tremendous help by tying up those plastic potpourries of saccharines. It's no mean feat, I tell you. I believe two pats on the backs are on order for the both of us...

Friday, June 10

more to come...


Finished re-painting my room in PR, okay not really finished, less than a quarter of a wall left to paint but I ran out of paint... used the no-lizard quality paint. My mom called it "cicak jalan jatuh" cat. It's a new colour like a light summer sky blue-turqoise...I like it, but i like the turqoise version we used in JW. Plain Brilliance!

I was enormously exhausted... hey it's no easy task especially juggling wif the paint, roller and trying not to fall off the ladder. I've been having this niggling pain in between my right eyebrow and my little forehead & juz now dat pain came back wif a vengeance.. I had to lie down and massage a little but the pain juz worsened and I'd half expect dat one of the veins had been building up pressure and burst out blood down on the side (no thanks to my vivid & colourful imagination). No joke, it IS major pain in the neck, i hate getting headaches especially when there are tonnes of things to do. In the end of tossing and turning, I popped some pills & slept it off hoping & praying that the blistering pain would wear off. It wore off all right, not much though & a fever to boot but at least I'm grateful I was able to lift my head up & jot in this blog now..

Kay, I need to save myself for tomorrow's newest (mis)adventure.. Aai, I'll insyaa Allah go to DA tomorrow and pass the cards there... Very truly, deeply & madly sorry for dis last minute thingy but things HAVE been crazy here... Miss u too!

Monday, June 6

was wif my sis the other day at Mac. Initial plan to keep her company as she's doing her work on her lappie. In the end, I had to wait for her for nearly 3 hours!! Nasib baik adik akoo.. heh...

While waiting for Her Highness arrival, I finished a cookbook by Nigella Lawson.. It's not exactly a cookbook and i meant it on the style it's written. It's exactly as though I was watching repeated broadcasts of Nigella's Bites. Very quirky, real-life, un-preachy sort of style though i doubt i've half her tenacity in using dozens of ziplock bags for marinating beef/lamb/chicken/birds... But what i like is that, the cooking's simple as though they're cooked up in mind for people like me who can't boil water without having the pot all burnt up. Well, it certainly has renewed my aim to cook for dear husband but i think i'll start on something small like peanut butter & banana on toast?? heheh.. one teeny step for me, a giant leap for mankind(not the extremely hungry ones, dat is!)

Two things i did learn though:
1. Macdonald has free internet surfing access..
2. Reading cookbooks in a fast-food restaurant is not such a good idea especially on empty stomach while waiting for someone to arrive.

Sunday, June 5

baby blue

Just came back from visiting Hasanah to see her new bundle of joy..a girl.. the 1st is a boy... think she sort of has a complete set already.. I went wif Syiqin & her husband and the little Fathin Nadhrah.. already 11 months old and has 5 strong (& i do mean strong!) teeth. Very wary of strangers. She kept staring at hubbi and she hates spectacles/sunglasses of any kind. Hubbi tried to put on his sunglasses on her and she immediately cried out for help. Since then she kept one suspicious eye on hubbi... kesian hubbi.... try to coax her pun tak jalan....
The baby's cute, quite tall for her age @ 2 weeks' old. Hasanah the mother of course very radiant and she couldn't bear to put her baby down. But she dreaded the time when the baby got bigger and begs to be carried everytime.

*sighhhh*.. babies so sweet the smell...Is my biological clock tick-tocking now..?

Saturday, June 4

The starhub-man can....

The *hub man came by this afternoon to diagnose my internet service(the lack of it, actually) problem. The modem only had the power lite on whereas a good hardwerking modem should have all 4 lites on as i was told. He has this contraption oscilloscope-cum-digital multimeter that reminded me of my TP days and checked every cable point in the house. He went outside to probe at this locked box which he opened with his own key then he came back quickly to us with a wry smile... "You got enemies arr?" We were shocked when he showed us that the tv cable was hanging out of its rightful socket. He inserted it back in and voila, internet was back on like nothing had ever happened.. (the TV was also having problems whereby no picture shown in every known channel. And it came back alive & kicking)

We'd asked the man, can anybody just open the box and he said only if he has the key which belonged to them people. The cable was seen jutting out from the box and we checked that it is quite impossible to pull it accidentally out as the cable end is the screw-on type... what could've happened? How did the cable mysteriously get screwed out of its socket? Which deranged mind could have commit such heinous act?? ok ok i exaggerated. But this enigmatic cable-puller had limited me from my unlimited internet subscription.

My mom quietly suggested could it be that I was watching TV into the wee hours of morning and maybe had the volume turned a tad too high and that might irritate some neighbours. And this neighbour happened to have the key (maybe he worked with the cable company) or who has a skeleton key (or maybe he was a locksmith) and pulled the cable out.. Far-fetched?? Perhaps... But then again, perhaps not... If so, ppl, beware we have a serial cable-puller on the loose who hates noises from TV even one that's turned up low. He'd do anyting and everything to deprive unsuspecting, innocent citizens of the box...

Wednesday, June 1

lenger punya kes...

One of the kebods (keje bodoh) of the day.

Was very tired & very sleepy.
Was asleep on bus 21.
Was definitely & absolutely unaware of surrounding.
Was aghast to find the tudung a bit wet with drool.
Wait.... that wasn't the kebod..
Was awake when the bus reached tampines but went on asleep anyway.
Was uber-shocked wheb found self all alone on the double-decked bus, and the bus was reversing into a parking space.
Was hurrying down the stair well when self unconciously wailed out "waaaaaaaaiiiiitttttttttttttt, unk-cleeeeeeeeeeee... i'm still he-reeeeeeeee!"
Was crimson red in the face as uncle chuckled and said.. " ohhh...upstairs sleeping aaarrr?!"

Saturday, May 28

right...i'm able to recover my footing... however, all hopes of editing the blog will have to wait... i still can't figure how the hell the page are displayed in chinese language... e.g.:

在此文章中允許新的意見 是 否



watever.. nuthing shd deter me from posting in cept.. wait... Phewww~ lucky they differentiate the 'publish post' button..

Wednesday, May 25

pembawaan budak

Few times, I caught myself humming Barney songs.. A medley of them!! I'm humming them at work, waiting for the train/bus, at supermarket while lining up at the cashier till the lady in front turned to stare, in the bathroom while showering... jumping jack, what kind of spell had the purple dinosaur weave that even innocent unsuspecting adults are bewitched... The show ought to be rated! Tsk tsk, talk about work hazards...

Tuesday, May 17

Pissed off.
BIG Time.

I dun need this nor do i need to say more.

Wednesday, May 11

same boat

Rejoice world!

For those of you feeling like you're in my boat.. Or even for those who felt that I'm just spouting another load of screw-loosed, dispririted crapx on life, you may want to check out my link : The Layman's Guide To...

Not for the faint-hearted nor is this for those born without a good sized funnybone. Not say I wanna say but dun say I never say...

all in one

"keje childcare teacher tu hapa?" my gran asked.. this is the billion dollar question.. org melayu kata, soalan cepu emas, 'cept the emas takder & the cepu tinggal habuk. While the technical job description is too technical to delve into and my energy is as big as a watermelon seed, the following shall serve as the most accurate, unbiased and fresh perspective from this newcomer of 1 month and 10 days in the field

According to,
teach·er n. One who teaches, especially one hired to teach.
Well, I was hired as a Malay teacher so thanks a lot for the clarification. Reflecting on all the incidents happened so far @work, I conclude that is by far a simple tool used for people looking for simplfied meanings in this complicated world.
My work so far had comprised of and aside from being a teacher:
1. Nanny
2. Maid
3. Peacemaker
4. Feeder
5. Disciplinarian
6. Magic-worker
7. Children's rooms Interior Designer
8. Lifeguard / bodyguard
9. Entertainer
and to my aghast, which I had just experienced a few days ago,
10. Punching bag

I now look and feel like a war casualty.
ppl wonder what the job entails.. frankly i was wondering too.. wondering if there was any.. But when i was in the elevator after knocking off from work, i saw one of the boys wif his mom & dad. He wasn't from my class but I'd help in his class before so he knew my name (i forgot his!) He blew me a kiss as he was carried off from the elevator which was very sweet and the crowd in the lift were looking at one another wondering how come the boy was being friendly.. I blew him back a kiss and at the risk of sounding like a cliched idealist told myself that these are things that matter.. Not just to excel in reading, writing or counting but to love, respect and care for one another regardless of race or religion.

Tuesday, May 10

Hello! I wanna comp-rain hor~...

It is no picnic... Being a childcare teacher who teaches Malay that is... I thought I won't be overloaded wif stuff, freer time-table with intervals what wif the naptimes and such ..well, I thought wrong... No intervals at all not even a freaking chance to go to the freaking toilet.. Naptime was getting-together time - lesson planning and arrangement for the afternoon and the day after.. it's like a never-ending story. To top it all of, I was put in charge of the book and AV library for Malay & English resources... Wanna know where the resources are? They're all sitting nicely uncatalogued in black trashbags as the ctr just went thru several renovations so we had been hauling the stuff back & forth! My learning corner is still much as it had been all this while.. just a corner by itself.. ok maybe i have a few books and teacher made word games but i myself dun find its appealing factor, so i forgive my children for walking past it with not so much of a glance... at least for other subjects they have a standardized curriculum book so for those whose idea just refuse point-blank to appear, they can just rub the magic book and genie would grant the wish complete with lesson plans...I sometimes had to rely on my children's perception, abilities and sometimes, my own common sense. *gasp!*

Not that I didn't know abt the job and responsibilities of being a teacher.. thot that the 4.8months on the course whould have given me a little inkling on what to expect.. dunno bout this though I'm definitely taking this a 24hrs a day at a time...Now that I've totally lost my voice, my singing of the twinkle, twinkle little star sounds like the blardee meteor hitting planet earth..sheesh~...

Sunday, May 8

Kick me!

Yup..kick me behind.. how in the world had i forgotten bout today? Eessh~ I just realized it when suria was on, blaring and the famous ct was conveying Happy Mother's Day wish and everything... My mom from the heart of the kitchen replied not-too-pointedly: "Terima kasih, Siti...." Yikes! I slapped my forehead then me, Anah & Munirah raced to Mak and all of us enveloped her in a club sandwich hug..

Sorry Mak..but isn't it true that every day should be a mother's day where we love, respect, emphatize, treat her as the Main Lady in our lives.. No matter wat I love you... yeah i don't say it often perhaps but I do love you... You're simply irressistable like an ultimate super sundae cooling the throat on a hot sweltering afternoon.. the very balm for our very red, very gritty and very sore eyes, yeps, even when u're extremely frustrated that none of us would pick up after ourselves properly.. You're the absolute best!
Had a fruitful day yesterday... Managed to do all the errands put off the previous week i was down.. collected studio pix, we looked unbelievable, if i may say so... hee hee went to the CC to finalize the booking details, collected the invite cards from the shop in Joo Chiat Complex and last of all collected all my things from Sembawang to be transferred back to Pasir Ris as I'd be there till my wedding date that is..

In the midst of it all, managed to send Zuraina off @ the airport as she headed off to her marital home in Aussie... took lotsa pictures.. she looked happy but of course people got teary at the end.. including me.. well if Noi hadn't start crying first, I could've kept my cool.. I asked her how she felt, she was still smiling as she said "deep down my heart feel a bit heavy" Her family had been talking abt nothing but her going to Australia the past few weeks but she just kept quiet and shrugged it all off .. of course, she's leaving everyone behind to a new life down under.. she's a great gal, resilient even though sumtimes a bit blur..All in all, just be sure to get ready when we the Budak Gemuks Clan come hopping down to Perth... Just provide food & lodging and we'll take care of the entertainment for you...

Noi remarked dat the group getting smaller ; i'd been 1st to fly the coop, lenny's in starhub, qayah's transferred to different branch.. Left her and dear stef to rock the place.. Well Noi's Chapter 6 had been having gigs rawking across town too, kewl job, gal..

As we all sailed on to our separate ways.. well we are separate entities to begin with but never would our great, wacky and insane friendship end.

casualty of mind

Hi... just came back yesterday to my mom's which houses warmth, affection, not-so-hot food and of cos my WorkStation which had not really been working for almost amonth that I was at the in-laws'..

Also, just recovered from my old back ache relapse which had not come for almost a year already. Dunno how to describe the pain except that it felt like i was paralysed on my left side from my neck to my waist. It started off in the LabourDay weekend, just when i had lots of work to do like school stuff and painting the flat when after shower and whilst drying my hair, I heard a soft criccckk and uh-oh, at that moment I knew already the backache's back. (Last year I was on MC for 4 days.) As I didn't want to alarm Ibu(mum-in-law), I just chatted with her as normally as I could but kept my back stiff and I can't turn whenever she asked me to look at this and that.. It was all I could do to avoide crying my eyes out..I kept praying for hubby to come home from work (oh yes, he had to work on that day) and rescue me.. Ibu noticed my discomfort as she kindly asked why am I looking so stiff. I finally told her and she grew worried. She called hubby at work and hubby straight away took half day and told me to call my mom at home who was preparing to go wif the family for a weekend stay in JayBee. Mak was so worried asked me to rest and said she would pop over the next day wif Abah so he could massage me a bit. Ibu was worried too that when she went off to work in the late afternoon, she kept calling the house to ask hubby if i was allright, if i was resting or if i had eaten.. Felt so bad for making everybody worried..I had to reassure everyone that it had happened before.. but the worries ensued though hubby cracked some jokes but quickly apologised when he saw how much it hurt me to even laugh. I could not change position without help.. Everything from standing to sottong to lying positions had to be assisted. And as embarrassing as it was, I cried pitifully which further creased hubby's worry lines...

Sunday, my parents came and abah massaged me while hubby looked on and tried to get some tips in case it cropped up again. abah told the rest this was quite 'normal' for me as it happened before but expressed concern when he felt how stiff my veins/nerves were.. He even remarked dat my body was as cold as ice. Well, at least if the fridge were to conk out, we can always lay the food on me...

When Tuesday rolled around, I found that I still could not get up and phoned work to inform them. My sup wasn't too happy and told me I should have informed them sooner.. (?!) watever, i wasn't in the mood nor in the gd physique to argue. Went to the clinic and after waiting for almost 40 mins (lots of ppl were there maybe trying to extend the holiday, i would too if i were in the holiday mood, heh) I got 1 day MC. Even at that the doc wasn't sure what part of muscle I pulled. He subjected me to a series of grasping and stretching to see how far I could go. I didn't go any further than a toddler's grasp.. Went home, pop the pills and conked out. Mak called several times sounding worried and asked me to come back home but I didn't relish the idea of the bump and the grind in the public transport, even walking was a painful experience. I really am grateful for the pair of legs though out of shape and taken for granted most of the time, is still usable..

Points to note, Everyone from Mak to Ibu was especially wonderful and am touched by their kind concerns. Especially so with my terribly amazingly patient hubby who had withstood me crying like a baby everytime he helped me to sit, stand or lie down. I had even begun to like playing Xmen Legends on xbox which we did during my 'confinement period'

Thursday, April 28

Siamese Nite

Gundeks' "last" Escapade

Had the most possibly last dinner out wif all the gundeks last Tues.. We went to Siam Kitchen @Bugis Junction ..Mostly down the memory lane for the lot. Noi managed to pass her wedding invite which sadly Zu might miss out as she's leaving for Aussie on the 7th. Oh and did i mention my hubby tagged along though let me stress the fact that he wasn't part of the gundek clan 'cept maybe for me only, hehe... And so, he became the only thorn among the roses and the one who got saddled wif all the cameras (there were 4!).. Each of us really lived up to the event, lots of bantering and "gal talk" which i think my hubby might be a tad bit embarrassed but which he gamely braced through.. In the end, we couldn't decide whether we were too full from the food or the laughter..

It became teary at the very last part when I started to hug Zu.. Stef in her zealous-ness to capture every moment(especially the funnily sad ones) was hell-bent trying to get Zu cry buckets. The rest of us then hug Zu('cept my hubby, of course!) and Zu started again.. well, most of us were not dry-eyed either..

Well, we definitely wish for your very best, joy, well-being & blessings whereever you may be.. Love you, gal!

Tuesday, April 26

Grr... Just when everything was going fine... my templates for the lesson plans and all were left at work! #%@$^!
I feel like watching a movie now.... hmm... *rummaging through CD case* maybe since i'm in the suicidal mood - kill bill's the 1st choice?

Anyone can recommend sites of Malay subject for pre-school teachers ?? Need help... Badly... Very bad.. Am hanging at the edge of the PC table now... Pwease?
lesson plans, teaching aids, learning corner materials....ooooh yeah... don't i just love deadlines.. Bring them on!!!

Sunday, April 24

Had a fun session during Malay Curriculum workshop @ Learning Capital(LCI). At least it was a non-sit_down - cum - copying_notes_only event. Just 12 of us including the trainers (Kak Anizah, Kak Su & Kak Rabiah). The trainers were graciously informal, lively and fun-loving sorts. We all (including the trainers) were trying our darndest to speak in Malay... proper Malay.. no mixing with english, singlish watsoever. There was a Malay teacher representing one of the LV centres who was a Chinese and surprisingly (and embarrassingly to me) spoke a much better Malay than all of us in the room put together..

We had the music & movement where we went down the memory lane wif all the children's nursery rhymes and folk songs.. "burung kakak tua" & "enjit² semut" received the much needed revival when we choreographed the dance steps to the great hilarity. We also had the cookery session where we made honey cornflake cookies and fruit salads. Except, there was no stove-cooking/oven-baking were involved in the process. At the very end, we were assigned to put up learning centres based on different theme we chose, get this, in ONE hour. The great challenge; this wasn't informed beforehand and we had to construct things like decor & teaching aids literally from scratch...My other 4 team mates are like magic-workers.. they could come up wif lots of interactive teaching materieals in that short a time.. real proud of them! Lemme see.. maybe i can find the pix from the learning centres somewhere and put them up here as e-momentos...

Tuesday, April 19

in a time like this...

a gundek of mine will be "changing her scenes" soon...down to the land of the kangas n roos to be precise. Her husband's a citizen there, lucky devil...
Give my regards to the wallabies. A-Zu! Gonna miss ya and yer positively bertabor antics....

gundek = (literal)concubine (non-literal) swinging sista, travel companion, crappy pal, bud, one of my delectable homies, etc, etc...

bertabor = blithering, mixed up, blur-sotong(singlish)

Tuesday, April 12

Monday, April 11


wat de...

hmm, well zackeroo, i hope i have not made a nasty boo-boo..

Friday, April 8

as bz as a queenie bee

been a great while since i last checked in... am now living under one roof wif mom-in-law... not as scary as many peole had thought.. i actually had pile on some pounds.. hadn't i mentioned she's a terribly skillful cook who could conjure an exotic dish out of baby corns, cabbages and imitation crabmeat?? *sigh*..

i came home(my mommy's nest) and mom had kindly and surreptiously pointed out that I might have to watch out or I won't be able to put on the glamourous wedding clothes on my so-called glamorous day in a few months' time...

Thursday, March 31

up to my eyeballz

Mathematical Equation :
x = i'm bored with boredom work had offered &,
y = i'm busy with business work had offered,
therefore, work is the totality = m,
thus proving MaiHubbi's Theory of Fiddling Relativity;
m = x+y
And if, the work, m, happens to result in twice the workload, the theorem would expand to the following:
m = x² + 2xy + y² or generally expressed as m = (x+y)²

now you know how boringly busy i'd been....

Man Vs Nature ???

Thursday, March 24


I've had it!!! No more Ms Nicetie... I'm tired & cranky...& I'm feeling like blardee Pandora only instead of opening a box, I'd dug out a treacherous hole full of maggots, worms, dung beetles, etc, etc (ok, so i'm exaggerating).. heck, the more I squeeze the brain juice trying to think what I could pen down for the report, the more frustrated I got... nothing, zilch, a humongous ostrich egg...

Whatever & however I can, I'll try to finish the report..If not, well the evil 'ster & the BB would just have to wait till Saturday before they can get their claws on..

Bak to the drawing board.... *Yaaawwwnn*

must remember to sms Lin & Kak CT tmrw and inform them on the probability of my coming.

Wednesday, March 23


It's official.... I'm now sick.. sick in the stomach wif this deadline hanging over me... sick in the head wif thinking of all the crap I had put up wif and which I'd have a hard time of putting them down in the practicum report... lastly, my heart's sick cos i'm under "self-quarantine" from my carebear (he'd tickle me mercilessly if he knows i publish this for the whole world of web to know). I've to finish this stewpit thing therefore I've to undistract myself from anything & everything dat could potentially sway my concentration... whaddaya know, he definitely has dat kind of efx on me ...

Wrapping up now... if y'all dun see anymore blogs from me, well then u'd know that the report had killed me & know dat i love u, whoever u are, those willing to read these crapx(read:above)

I'm a Super Friend!!! Well at least it was who awarded me the title... anyway, anyone looking to be my fren OR if you know that u are my fren but i dun know that u are as we'd lost touch or if u think u know me or if u think i know u... wat da hell, just add me in your Friendster's list... My username: Uber Infinite

tiny addition to tiny addition

According to this grapevine again, Muhammad Naoufel announced his arrival sometime yesterday, 22nd Mar 05 around 2pm...

Tiny Addition

Heard through trusted grapevine... Abg Nauruz has a blessed tiny addition to his family!!! A baby boy named Muhammad Naoufel.. may he be as praiseworthily handsome not only in looks but also in character and also as praiseworthily generous not only in character but also in his piety..just as his name entailz..

Well, to Abg Nauruz & Wife: Huge Congrats to you!! And may He shower blessings & mercy upon us all, insyaa Allah.

On your mark...

Good morning World!

I'm still up against the deadline but am still feeling too lazy to finish it... how? At the same time, I'm chatting wif an old fren... knew him from IRC like eons ago... heheh... One of those guys who used to tease me endlessly just becos of my blur bumblings...(bit of self-pity there, but who else could empathise better then me, myself & I???)

Nevertheless, I'm really glad to have stumbled upon him, or should i say it's the other way around, he Yahoo-ed me and before i could respond tactfully, he called me "makcik"!!! Grrrr, my blood went upstairs ... Heh..

Well, better get started on the stewpit practicum report... sheesh... i hate typing...

Tuesday, March 22

short jot

no jots from me yesterday cos i was across the causeway, shopping wif da parents... was supposed to complete my practicum journal but i think i'll call it a heart's here tonite, therefore, must fly at once... g'nite and a better tomorrow for all of us, God willing...

Saturday, March 19

This marriage

This Marriage - Ode 2667

May these vows and this marriage be blessed.May it be sweet milk,this marriage, like wine and halvah.May this marriage offer fruit and shadelike the date palm.May this marriage be full of laughter,our every day a day in paradise.May this marriage be a sign of compassion,a seal of happiness here and hereafter.May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,an omen as welcomeas the moon in a clear blue sky.I am out of words to describehow spirit mingles in this marriage.

Kabir Helminski "Love is a Stranger" Threshold Books, 1993

Kiane - fun-loving yet amazingly perceptive
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Arifah and her toothy grin... at such a tender age, she can display great leadership skills..
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my namesake or as i call her privately, my mini-me... Maisarah; brite and sensitive... just like yours truly..
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Sweet Lil' Sabrina, but hey once she's set onto sumthing, there's no way in hell you can make her turn back..
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Ang Ley Wei Xiao-jie, my aide.. cheerful & funny, ever-so-helpful
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And who wouldn't melt just by lookin gat you, my sweet_sad put3?
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Yet another love of my life... Ahsan
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The Children

The Children

And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

-Khalil Gibran "The Prophet"

Simply breath-taking...
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

All Glory Be To God...Got a msg from an ole fren, fellow IRCian actually.. Well, Yammy Zammy aka geekgal.. if you're out there, somewhere, wherever you may be, it's definitely freaky(in a wonderful way that is) to know you'd found me & may God bless you always..& u could always leave me some means to get back at ya...?!

Saturday kacang saturday, dey, dey...

Hubbi woke me up today...shit, it was 5.15 in the morn. I was surprised to see him standing over me. For a nanosecond there I forgot he stayed over last nite. He was trying to look frustrated yet through my glorified morning bluriness, I could see a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He said I still smell of sleep (read: my glorified bedroom saliva). Yet, he kissed me. I quickly got up and saw him already ready for work. I only answered him in grunts (hey, i'm still sleepy, who wouldn't?) Went to the kichen and poured him a large tumbler of iced water(he asked for it!) and spread 2 slices of peanut butter sandwiches(which he didn't!). Glanced at the clock, omigosh, he's gonna be late if i dun shoo him quickly enuf. Opened the door, salam and kissed his hands. He kissed my foreheads and *DUP* I'm all wide awake... Had been so up until now.. though i've not taken that morning ritual which involves washing the whole body (hehe) oh well, I'll do it in a jiff... for now, lemme bask in the love (ok, i'm lazing, bite me!)
Everything is a pretext, there is love and nothing besides love;
Love is the house of God and you are living in that house.
I will say no more, for it is not possible to say;
God knows how much more is in me crying out to be told.

wandering again

was surfing around to update thingsinto my friendster's profile... stumbled upon thoughts of a great old "friend" ..(see earlier post)

long time since i did a reflection (especially in front of a pc!)
Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and it enlivens the other who turns it upon his fellow man
well, reading this ought to put a smile on my face or otherwise lift my dampened empty pocket up... more than that, I've been taking stocks on what's really important and as of now I know that without Him, there is no way I'll be sitting here writing into my blog. Without Him, there is no way I'd be getting the chance to know, respect and love the man I'd eventually married. Without Him, there is no way, I'd be taking the chance to jump into the field of teaching; one that I though I'd never conform to do. And for that, no money in the world could ever buy the feelings I'm feeling now...

The Wanderer - Khalil Gibran


Two men were walking in the valley, and one man pointed with his finger toward the mountain side, and said, "See you that hermitage? There lives a man who has long divorced the world. He seeks but after God, and naught else upon this earth." And the other man said, "He shall not find God until he leaves his hermitage, and the aloneness of his hermitage, and returns to our world, to share our joy and pain, to dance with our dancers at the wedding feast, and to weep with those who weep around the coffins of our dead." And the other man was convinced in his heart, though in spite of his conviction he answered, "I agree with all that you say, yet I believe the hermit is a good man. And it may it not well be that one good man by his absence does better than the seeming goodness of these many men?"

Friday, March 18

Heart & Soul

I love him... the apple of my eye... the keeper of my heart.. though people say not to love with all your heart, lest it breaks. How can I not to? My heart breaks just by the thought of it..

For God & By Him, I love you... with the deepest respect and utmost care, I leave you in His Keep.

I Witness
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Kopi Peng!

Date: Thursday, 17th Mar 2005
Venue: Coffee Grinder
Event: Initiation to Spill My BeanZ!

this is it!!! My very 1st blogger... and i've always thought wat a hassle to make one.. but after a fraction of 3mins (well, figure it out!) , I'm a proud owner of the blogspot... the very thought could make me cry!.. well not really... but i'm proud of this important accomplishment today... It just struck me as i'm writing this down, the problem might not be with the system.. i might have the problem keeping to update this online diary... you see, i've loads of diaries/journals/organizers but they are mostly 1/8 filled.. some of them are still in its plastic covers.. (i've also given some of the new looking ones to sisters/friends as birthday presents)

oh well, we'll see how dis goes...

*note to self:
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...

must remember to update...
must remember to update...

Thursday, March 17

Yours Truly
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