Saturday, June 4

The starhub-man can....

The *hub man came by this afternoon to diagnose my internet service(the lack of it, actually) problem. The modem only had the power lite on whereas a good hardwerking modem should have all 4 lites on as i was told. He has this contraption oscilloscope-cum-digital multimeter that reminded me of my TP days and checked every cable point in the house. He went outside to probe at this locked box which he opened with his own key then he came back quickly to us with a wry smile... "You got enemies arr?" We were shocked when he showed us that the tv cable was hanging out of its rightful socket. He inserted it back in and voila, internet was back on like nothing had ever happened.. (the TV was also having problems whereby no picture shown in every known channel. And it came back alive & kicking)

We'd asked the man, can anybody just open the box and he said only if he has the key which belonged to them people. The cable was seen jutting out from the box and we checked that it is quite impossible to pull it accidentally out as the cable end is the screw-on type... what could've happened? How did the cable mysteriously get screwed out of its socket? Which deranged mind could have commit such heinous act?? ok ok i exaggerated. But this enigmatic cable-puller had limited me from my unlimited internet subscription.

My mom quietly suggested could it be that I was watching TV into the wee hours of morning and maybe had the volume turned a tad too high and that might irritate some neighbours. And this neighbour happened to have the key (maybe he worked with the cable company) or who has a skeleton key (or maybe he was a locksmith) and pulled the cable out.. Far-fetched?? Perhaps... But then again, perhaps not... If so, ppl, beware we have a serial cable-puller on the loose who hates noises from TV even one that's turned up low. He'd do anyting and everything to deprive unsuspecting, innocent citizens of the box...

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