Monday, June 6

was wif my sis the other day at Mac. Initial plan to keep her company as she's doing her work on her lappie. In the end, I had to wait for her for nearly 3 hours!! Nasib baik adik akoo.. heh...

While waiting for Her Highness arrival, I finished a cookbook by Nigella Lawson.. It's not exactly a cookbook and i meant it on the style it's written. It's exactly as though I was watching repeated broadcasts of Nigella's Bites. Very quirky, real-life, un-preachy sort of style though i doubt i've half her tenacity in using dozens of ziplock bags for marinating beef/lamb/chicken/birds... But what i like is that, the cooking's simple as though they're cooked up in mind for people like me who can't boil water without having the pot all burnt up. Well, it certainly has renewed my aim to cook for dear husband but i think i'll start on something small like peanut butter & banana on toast?? heheh.. one teeny step for me, a giant leap for mankind(not the extremely hungry ones, dat is!)

Two things i did learn though:
1. Macdonald has free internet surfing access..
2. Reading cookbooks in a fast-food restaurant is not such a good idea especially on empty stomach while waiting for someone to arrive.

1 comment:

Abeerah said...

Salam Chilliz..:) great to c u here. Btw I was a lady volunteer from Mendaki..:) Got to know you at mendaki- darul camp..for youth.. Remember ? Shall link you dear..:)