Sunday, May 8

Had a fruitful day yesterday... Managed to do all the errands put off the previous week i was down.. collected studio pix, we looked unbelievable, if i may say so... hee hee went to the CC to finalize the booking details, collected the invite cards from the shop in Joo Chiat Complex and last of all collected all my things from Sembawang to be transferred back to Pasir Ris as I'd be there till my wedding date that is..

In the midst of it all, managed to send Zuraina off @ the airport as she headed off to her marital home in Aussie... took lotsa pictures.. she looked happy but of course people got teary at the end.. including me.. well if Noi hadn't start crying first, I could've kept my cool.. I asked her how she felt, she was still smiling as she said "deep down my heart feel a bit heavy" Her family had been talking abt nothing but her going to Australia the past few weeks but she just kept quiet and shrugged it all off .. of course, she's leaving everyone behind to a new life down under.. she's a great gal, resilient even though sumtimes a bit blur..All in all, just be sure to get ready when we the Budak Gemuks Clan come hopping down to Perth... Just provide food & lodging and we'll take care of the entertainment for you...

Noi remarked dat the group getting smaller ; i'd been 1st to fly the coop, lenny's in starhub, qayah's transferred to different branch.. Left her and dear stef to rock the place.. Well Noi's Chapter 6 had been having gigs rawking across town too, kewl job, gal..

As we all sailed on to our separate ways.. well we are separate entities to begin with but never would our great, wacky and insane friendship end.


chups said...

sarah...why u never jaga diri one?!?! why you always sakit sakit...pls take care of your back, feet and any other anatomies, please!

chillis said...

thanx chupz... i know i always have this on me... been trying.. God knows I had...