Sunday, May 8

Kick me!

Yup..kick me behind.. how in the world had i forgotten bout today? Eessh~ I just realized it when suria was on, blaring and the famous ct was conveying Happy Mother's Day wish and everything... My mom from the heart of the kitchen replied not-too-pointedly: "Terima kasih, Siti...." Yikes! I slapped my forehead then me, Anah & Munirah raced to Mak and all of us enveloped her in a club sandwich hug..

Sorry Mak..but isn't it true that every day should be a mother's day where we love, respect, emphatize, treat her as the Main Lady in our lives.. No matter wat I love you... yeah i don't say it often perhaps but I do love you... You're simply irressistable like an ultimate super sundae cooling the throat on a hot sweltering afternoon.. the very balm for our very red, very gritty and very sore eyes, yeps, even when u're extremely frustrated that none of us would pick up after ourselves properly.. You're the absolute best!

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