Tuesday, May 10

Hello! I wanna comp-rain hor~...

It is no picnic... Being a childcare teacher who teaches Malay that is... I thought I won't be overloaded wif stuff, freer time-table with intervals what wif the naptimes and such ..well, I thought wrong... No intervals at all not even a freaking chance to go to the freaking toilet.. Naptime was getting-together time - lesson planning and arrangement for the afternoon and the day after.. it's like a never-ending story. To top it all of, I was put in charge of the book and AV library for Malay & English resources... Wanna know where the resources are? They're all sitting nicely uncatalogued in black trashbags as the ctr just went thru several renovations so we had been hauling the stuff back & forth! My learning corner is still much as it had been all this while.. just a corner by itself.. ok maybe i have a few books and teacher made word games but i myself dun find its appealing factor, so i forgive my children for walking past it with not so much of a glance... at least for other subjects they have a standardized curriculum book so for those whose idea just refuse point-blank to appear, they can just rub the magic book and genie would grant the wish complete with lesson plans...I sometimes had to rely on my children's perception, abilities and sometimes, my own common sense. *gasp!*

Not that I didn't know abt the job and responsibilities of being a teacher.. thot that the 4.8months on the course whould have given me a little inkling on what to expect.. dunno bout this though I'm definitely taking this a 24hrs a day at a time...Now that I've totally lost my voice, my singing of the twinkle, twinkle little star sounds like the blardee meteor hitting planet earth..sheesh~...

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