Wednesday, March 23


It's official.... I'm now sick.. sick in the stomach wif this deadline hanging over me... sick in the head wif thinking of all the crap I had put up wif and which I'd have a hard time of putting them down in the practicum report... lastly, my heart's sick cos i'm under "self-quarantine" from my carebear (he'd tickle me mercilessly if he knows i publish this for the whole world of web to know). I've to finish this stewpit thing therefore I've to undistract myself from anything & everything dat could potentially sway my concentration... whaddaya know, he definitely has dat kind of efx on me ...

Wrapping up now... if y'all dun see anymore blogs from me, well then u'd know that the report had killed me & know dat i love u, whoever u are, those willing to read these crapx(read:above)


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