Thursday, March 24


I've had it!!! No more Ms Nicetie... I'm tired & cranky...& I'm feeling like blardee Pandora only instead of opening a box, I'd dug out a treacherous hole full of maggots, worms, dung beetles, etc, etc (ok, so i'm exaggerating).. heck, the more I squeeze the brain juice trying to think what I could pen down for the report, the more frustrated I got... nothing, zilch, a humongous ostrich egg...

Whatever & however I can, I'll try to finish the report..If not, well the evil 'ster & the BB would just have to wait till Saturday before they can get their claws on..

Bak to the drawing board.... *Yaaawwwnn*

must remember to sms Lin & Kak CT tmrw and inform them on the probability of my coming.

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