Sunday, September 18

A day to remember

Supposed to be a good day. one of my junior cousins from the Kutty Klan got married…
I woke up on the wrong side of bed, or perhaps pms… whatever the reason was, it was not good enuf to excuse my behaviour.. I was a bit of Miss Attitude (chk out the capital A).. in fact it was inexcusable… very ashamed in fact for making such a hoo-ha of it.. Now I’m not interested in rehashing the whole episode, I’m just so embarrassed and appalled at myself..

Sorry dearest kuz, u know who u are…. U definitely did not deserve dat. I really intend to help, but all I saw was “red” dis way and dat and I guess, I listened to the devil’s whispering sweet nothings much too much, thus i made the situation worse. Sitting alone in front of the PC now, I wish, I wish, I wish I could turn back the clock and make sure I behave better… well nasi dah jadi bubur, serves me rite?

Even though u’re much younger than me but u’re a much bigger person for forgiving and overlooking my shamefully childish behaviour…

Moral of the story: I’ll never show myself in public until my Miss A is in check and out of the picture..

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