Thursday, March 31

up to my eyeballz

Mathematical Equation :
x = i'm bored with boredom work had offered &,
y = i'm busy with business work had offered,
therefore, work is the totality = m,
thus proving MaiHubbi's Theory of Fiddling Relativity;
m = x+y
And if, the work, m, happens to result in twice the workload, the theorem would expand to the following:
m = x² + 2xy + y² or generally expressed as m = (x+y)²

now you know how boringly busy i'd been....

Man Vs Nature ???

Thursday, March 24


I've had it!!! No more Ms Nicetie... I'm tired & cranky...& I'm feeling like blardee Pandora only instead of opening a box, I'd dug out a treacherous hole full of maggots, worms, dung beetles, etc, etc (ok, so i'm exaggerating).. heck, the more I squeeze the brain juice trying to think what I could pen down for the report, the more frustrated I got... nothing, zilch, a humongous ostrich egg...

Whatever & however I can, I'll try to finish the report..If not, well the evil 'ster & the BB would just have to wait till Saturday before they can get their claws on..

Bak to the drawing board.... *Yaaawwwnn*

must remember to sms Lin & Kak CT tmrw and inform them on the probability of my coming.

Wednesday, March 23


It's official.... I'm now sick.. sick in the stomach wif this deadline hanging over me... sick in the head wif thinking of all the crap I had put up wif and which I'd have a hard time of putting them down in the practicum report... lastly, my heart's sick cos i'm under "self-quarantine" from my carebear (he'd tickle me mercilessly if he knows i publish this for the whole world of web to know). I've to finish this stewpit thing therefore I've to undistract myself from anything & everything dat could potentially sway my concentration... whaddaya know, he definitely has dat kind of efx on me ...

Wrapping up now... if y'all dun see anymore blogs from me, well then u'd know that the report had killed me & know dat i love u, whoever u are, those willing to read these crapx(read:above)

I'm a Super Friend!!! Well at least it was who awarded me the title... anyway, anyone looking to be my fren OR if you know that u are my fren but i dun know that u are as we'd lost touch or if u think u know me or if u think i know u... wat da hell, just add me in your Friendster's list... My username: Uber Infinite

tiny addition to tiny addition

According to this grapevine again, Muhammad Naoufel announced his arrival sometime yesterday, 22nd Mar 05 around 2pm...

Tiny Addition

Heard through trusted grapevine... Abg Nauruz has a blessed tiny addition to his family!!! A baby boy named Muhammad Naoufel.. may he be as praiseworthily handsome not only in looks but also in character and also as praiseworthily generous not only in character but also in his piety..just as his name entailz..

Well, to Abg Nauruz & Wife: Huge Congrats to you!! And may He shower blessings & mercy upon us all, insyaa Allah.

On your mark...

Good morning World!

I'm still up against the deadline but am still feeling too lazy to finish it... how? At the same time, I'm chatting wif an old fren... knew him from IRC like eons ago... heheh... One of those guys who used to tease me endlessly just becos of my blur bumblings...(bit of self-pity there, but who else could empathise better then me, myself & I???)

Nevertheless, I'm really glad to have stumbled upon him, or should i say it's the other way around, he Yahoo-ed me and before i could respond tactfully, he called me "makcik"!!! Grrrr, my blood went upstairs ... Heh..

Well, better get started on the stewpit practicum report... sheesh... i hate typing...

Tuesday, March 22

short jot

no jots from me yesterday cos i was across the causeway, shopping wif da parents... was supposed to complete my practicum journal but i think i'll call it a heart's here tonite, therefore, must fly at once... g'nite and a better tomorrow for all of us, God willing...

Saturday, March 19

This marriage

This Marriage - Ode 2667

May these vows and this marriage be blessed.May it be sweet milk,this marriage, like wine and halvah.May this marriage offer fruit and shadelike the date palm.May this marriage be full of laughter,our every day a day in paradise.May this marriage be a sign of compassion,a seal of happiness here and hereafter.May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,an omen as welcomeas the moon in a clear blue sky.I am out of words to describehow spirit mingles in this marriage.

Kabir Helminski "Love is a Stranger" Threshold Books, 1993

Kiane - fun-loving yet amazingly perceptive
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Arifah and her toothy grin... at such a tender age, she can display great leadership skills..
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my namesake or as i call her privately, my mini-me... Maisarah; brite and sensitive... just like yours truly..
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Sweet Lil' Sabrina, but hey once she's set onto sumthing, there's no way in hell you can make her turn back..
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Ang Ley Wei Xiao-jie, my aide.. cheerful & funny, ever-so-helpful
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And who wouldn't melt just by lookin gat you, my sweet_sad put3?
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Yet another love of my life... Ahsan
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The Children

The Children

And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children."
And he said:
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

-Khalil Gibran "The Prophet"

Simply breath-taking...
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

All Glory Be To God...Got a msg from an ole fren, fellow IRCian actually.. Well, Yammy Zammy aka geekgal.. if you're out there, somewhere, wherever you may be, it's definitely freaky(in a wonderful way that is) to know you'd found me & may God bless you always..& u could always leave me some means to get back at ya...?!

Saturday kacang saturday, dey, dey...

Hubbi woke me up today...shit, it was 5.15 in the morn. I was surprised to see him standing over me. For a nanosecond there I forgot he stayed over last nite. He was trying to look frustrated yet through my glorified morning bluriness, I could see a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He said I still smell of sleep (read: my glorified bedroom saliva). Yet, he kissed me. I quickly got up and saw him already ready for work. I only answered him in grunts (hey, i'm still sleepy, who wouldn't?) Went to the kichen and poured him a large tumbler of iced water(he asked for it!) and spread 2 slices of peanut butter sandwiches(which he didn't!). Glanced at the clock, omigosh, he's gonna be late if i dun shoo him quickly enuf. Opened the door, salam and kissed his hands. He kissed my foreheads and *DUP* I'm all wide awake... Had been so up until now.. though i've not taken that morning ritual which involves washing the whole body (hehe) oh well, I'll do it in a jiff... for now, lemme bask in the love (ok, i'm lazing, bite me!)
Everything is a pretext, there is love and nothing besides love;
Love is the house of God and you are living in that house.
I will say no more, for it is not possible to say;
God knows how much more is in me crying out to be told.

wandering again

was surfing around to update thingsinto my friendster's profile... stumbled upon thoughts of a great old "friend" ..(see earlier post)

long time since i did a reflection (especially in front of a pc!)
Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and it enlivens the other who turns it upon his fellow man
well, reading this ought to put a smile on my face or otherwise lift my dampened empty pocket up... more than that, I've been taking stocks on what's really important and as of now I know that without Him, there is no way I'll be sitting here writing into my blog. Without Him, there is no way I'd be getting the chance to know, respect and love the man I'd eventually married. Without Him, there is no way, I'd be taking the chance to jump into the field of teaching; one that I though I'd never conform to do. And for that, no money in the world could ever buy the feelings I'm feeling now...

The Wanderer - Khalil Gibran


Two men were walking in the valley, and one man pointed with his finger toward the mountain side, and said, "See you that hermitage? There lives a man who has long divorced the world. He seeks but after God, and naught else upon this earth." And the other man said, "He shall not find God until he leaves his hermitage, and the aloneness of his hermitage, and returns to our world, to share our joy and pain, to dance with our dancers at the wedding feast, and to weep with those who weep around the coffins of our dead." And the other man was convinced in his heart, though in spite of his conviction he answered, "I agree with all that you say, yet I believe the hermit is a good man. And it may it not well be that one good man by his absence does better than the seeming goodness of these many men?"

Friday, March 18

Heart & Soul

I love him... the apple of my eye... the keeper of my heart.. though people say not to love with all your heart, lest it breaks. How can I not to? My heart breaks just by the thought of it..

For God & By Him, I love you... with the deepest respect and utmost care, I leave you in His Keep.

I Witness
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Kopi Peng!

Date: Thursday, 17th Mar 2005
Venue: Coffee Grinder
Event: Initiation to Spill My BeanZ!

this is it!!! My very 1st blogger... and i've always thought wat a hassle to make one.. but after a fraction of 3mins (well, figure it out!) , I'm a proud owner of the blogspot... the very thought could make me cry!.. well not really... but i'm proud of this important accomplishment today... It just struck me as i'm writing this down, the problem might not be with the system.. i might have the problem keeping to update this online diary... you see, i've loads of diaries/journals/organizers but they are mostly 1/8 filled.. some of them are still in its plastic covers.. (i've also given some of the new looking ones to sisters/friends as birthday presents)

oh well, we'll see how dis goes...

*note to self:
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...
must remember to update...

must remember to update...
must remember to update...

Thursday, March 17

Yours Truly
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