Thursday, December 8

Play nice

Truth be told I been sitting here staring at the screen with my mouth hanging partially open wondering what i shd say... how i shd start? hello world i'm back again after an AWOL time?? urgh~ I am NOT in the mood

anyways, there are other pressing things need to be done other than making inane attempts at inane topics to be inanely discussed... i'm pissed.. seriously.. at whom you ask? u genuinely interested to hear my rantings? as if anyone cares.. oh well u can get the $%@#! out for all i know... i'm seriously pissed wif people's attitude now..why can't we be nice? why can't we give up our precious seats for those preggy ladies or old folks or whoever needs them? why are we rushing ahead uncaringly bumping our limbs(read:butts) or our parcels(read:astronomically-sized bags) to unsuspecting fellows? why must there public display of over affection? For goodness' sake, get a room!!!

Was in the public bus recently and a grp of secondary school boys were seated near yours truly.. i just got down from an extremely crowded mrt filled wif inconsiderate, bumping ppl plus the public displayers, generally speaking, was already disgusted by the time i was seated in the bus and was hopin' & prayin' nothing else happens. What else could happen next, you wonder.. These said group of boys(malay/muslims) were fooling around with each other, making jokes and first i couldn't care less..but as it grew louder i could not help but notice they were getting exceptionally pointed..exclusively to one of the boys who was of indian descent.. they were racist remarks such as the skin colour, smell and speaking dialects directed at the poor boy (i was thinkin if these are so-called friends, the poor guy shd just lose them... not worth it) not gonna start another blogging hoo-haa by repeating the remarks anyhow here but i do want this chance to reflect.. in the midst of the malay/muslim remarks being spewed off insensitively.. the malay/muslim boys are behaving as such themselves.. Lemme reiterate here that i do not condone the ragging done by the bloggers but are we behaving in a respectable manner ourselves?

ok, i'm getting too angry & emotional to make sense here but i do hope some points can be taken from the above episode: all in all what me trying to say is check before we go blabbering to other people... do not do unto others what u dun want them to bloody do unto you...
oh & please, play nice..


aofie said...

maybe its time to take a bus instead. and hi!! remember me??

chillis said...

hey alfie....thx for dropping by...