Thursday, December 6

Crazy English

If you have not read the following article.. and if you like playing wif on..


Crazy English

© Richard Lederer


Let’s face it–English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren’t invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don’t fing, grocers don’t groce and hammers don’t ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn’t the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices? One Kleenex, 2 Kleenices?

Doesn’t it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn’t preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?

Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another.

Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable? And where are all those people who ARE spring chickens or who would ACTUALLY hurt a fly?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn’t a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.

Taken from on 6th Dec 2007

real late updates

Finally...the long-awaited, much-anticipated time of the year.....the air suddenly smells sweeter, even though it was raining here, it feels refreshing and not at all gloomy... Phewww...mind-boggling assignments, sleepless nites, bloody tears and cranky selves will be a thing of the past... pejam-celik, pejam-celik...1st semester had passed us wion't be too soon to know where our postings will be (saw the new list of resource schools the other day...gigit jari sekejap..)...but that's another bridge i'll cross later..

the 3 intensive (and i do mean intensive) @DAS, had really open my eyes big-big... there are so many things needed to be done and there will be only one of us to be implementing them... my head spins and though i appreciate the experience, i have my moments of doubt...hopefully, i dun cause more harm than good...

Hasbern also just finish his exams hoping to go holiday but hasbern's got no more we'll be spending some time at home...maybe giving the home the much-needed spring-cleaning...

oh well...happy holidays to all...enjoy your vacations/rests..

*brain shutting down*

Thursday, October 11

Vrooom, vroommm....

I'm a Lamborghini Murcielago!">

You're not subtle, but you don't want to be. Fast, loud, and dramatic, you want people to notice you, and then get out of the way. In a world full of sheep, you're a raging bull.

Take the Which'>">Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Monday, October 8

subhaanollah, alhamdulillah....jazaakumullah...

Kupanjatkan syukur kehadhrat Allah SWT., selawat & salam ke atas Nabi besar kita, Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarganya, sohabah2nya, imam2 & segala pengikutnya sekalian...

Where to begin? I can only be thankful & grateful to Him for giving me grace and letting me be here to continue to serve Him and be amongst my loved ones.

I am so thankful for the flood of Du'as & good wishes from family and friends and especially when i read the outpouring response from our multiply network frens whom i know personally & those I don't,thanks for your concerns, Only Allah may reward your kindness

I am doing as well as can be expected. To answer some queries: I had a few fractures mostly on my left pelvic bone but alhamdulillah after a thorough scan, I had no internal injuries & need no surgery. I was informed by the doctors that the cracks may heal completely on its own just that it will take time & I may be using walking aid for the next 2 months. I am also undergoing therapy and (trying to do) some of them @home.

I need further Du'as from everyone especially so that I have strength & patience to overcome frsutrations that I sometimes get.u know even the little things can get to me if I'm not watchful, trying to pick up something from the floor or walking the short distance to the bathroom or even remaining in a single position for long can tire me out. Family is very supportive especially Hubbi that I sometimes worry that he may be very tired from work/class/& taking care of me...Tears fell from seeing the TLC and support i get from him.. I'm also especially touched to see my NIE frens coming up and allaying my worries from the upcoming assignments and interceding to my lecturers on my behalf. My thanks also go to my understading lecturers..! of them came to see me in hospital...alhamdulillah, subhaanollah...

Aku mesti selalu beringat bahawa ada org lain yg ada di dlm keadaan lebih memerlukan dariku... Ada yg menghadapi lebih banyak ujian. Senantiasalah kita bersyukur kpd Allah SWT, berusaha utk sentiasa dapat menjalankan kewajipan kita sebaik2nya & dapat melalui segala rintangan dgn penuh sabar & redha...insyaa Allah.. Mohon semua dapat mengambil iktibar dan mendoakan kami.

As a gd fren who had visited me had said, there is always blessings in disguise. Sometimes this thing happen in order to prevent from something much bigger happening. Wallahu'Alaam...I know my perspective towards life has changed. Seeing another day, watching my beloved and able to walk even though very slow filled me with so much gratitude that I sometimes think I might burst...

Babe, I love you, take the best care of yourself & dun fret abt me... let's pray together for a full & speedy recovery.

Friday, September 28

Forgiveness in Action

I'm not condoning what you had done

I'm just trying to make peace with myself so I could move on

I am thankful for the day that you did me wrong, the days I've had ever since and the days I'll continue to have, God willing...

Saturday, September 15

[when i look in the mirror...]

Isn't it super-fast how time flies? pejam celik, pejam's been almost 2 months I've been in the maktab perguruan... amidst the hectic assignments which had bombarded me mercilessly, I am feeling the over-whelming emotions of being in the pits...for those who are not in the know, well "the Pit" usually arise after a tumultuous and OTT introduction & exposure into a particular field. In my field, well, there are loads of negativity & uncaringness from people around. People are very surprised when they asked about what i do...i tried to explain & generally they will just smile in a way that imply to me "i still dunno what you're talking abt, & i'm not as interested as i thot i was" or "i think you're just making things up & so pls shut up so i can go elsewhere & blab with sumone else"

"the Pit" is not just induced by people as mentioned above... after numerous visits to institutions... tonnes of videos & other information media that I have to digest in order to satisfy my required module, I felt so sorry for people with special needs (especially) and their families/friends..i know some may thinks it's un-PC to feel sorry for them and that the last thing in the world that they need will be people's sympathy, i can't help but felt for them...i'll be lying if i say otherwise cos that was one of the many reasons i applied for this..

I know the road in fornt of me is an unpaved one

I'm grateful to God that i am now no longer blind and deaf to things surrounding me.

Friday, August 10

=write here right now=

it's been such a long time since my last rant.. very tired to think & school had just started the last 3 days (wed cancelled, thurs holiday).. Sooo many readings in sooo little time... Maybe i shd have subscribed to thatr power reading thingy...assignments have started pouring in & i'm soaked...figuratively speaking dat is... I've been staring @the pc wondering how should i start my paper, praying for ilham..then i decided to msg my coursemates... haiyah still no revelations... the text given were full of technical mambo-jambo for all i know, it may have been written in German.. i read 1st para & re-read it again to digest and then moved on to 2nd para then i realised that i'd completely lost the meaning & so i had to re-read the 1st para all over again...

A fren said she is having a similar prob. She attributed this phenomenal yet common condition to long-ago-school-leaver-itis... I dunno if she's right but i hope this epidemic is not isn't as if a shot of antibiotics can cure it... urghh.. and i'm still having the physical remnants of phleghmatic coughs and runny nose..which resulted in me trailing a line of tissue papers in my wake (don't worry i picked them up already...littering is an offense)

In spite of all these challenges..i'm very grateful that i had this chance.. it is an opportunity for me to go in depths into the world of special needs & exceptional children...besides, compared to the 1st bacth, we're having it pretty easy... The 1st batch had to work & complete the course requirements at the same time..boleh kenoneng dibuatnyer...

Now, feeling relatively better, i've to soldier on with my tutorials...thanks for the du'a kind friends.. Till we meet again, God willing!

Tuesday, June 19

anything? whatever...

When we go out for a bite, with all variety of food available out there..we can be spoilt for choice... and sometimes when you're really hungry but you really have no idea what to eat and your partner is feeling about the same, the discussion on where & what to eat can lead to an all out war if one's not careful...

Picture this, we're at the counter trying to order some food or perhaps with a wait-person taking down our order..we'll look at the menu, flip it to the last page & back to the front, stomachs thundering, look at each other, look at the menu again & finally I ask, "so what are you gonna eat, hubbi?" Hubbi shrugs his shoulder, look at his menu & say "aah you decide laah...anything also can..." Grrr..then I go, "they don't sell anything.." then Hubbi turns the table around and ask me "ok so what do you wanna eat?" & i'll be like "watever.." Hubbi goes "and what makes you think they sell whatever?" It's kinda funny typing this up but in the heat of the ravenous moment, the phrase a hungry man is an angry man is an understatement of the century...pfftt...

but hey, waydeminit...what's this??

hah...they do sell Anything and Whatever now...

Monday, June 11

Close call

I had been putting off writing about our trip to PK & KL for abt 2 wks now... & just when tonight I thot it's now or never, i'm afraid the idea might not even see the light of day (pun intende here) Why? Well, something happened today that took my mind up totally... (i count my lucky stars folks that IT was only my mind .. )

MIL & I went out today.. since her legs are not giving her much problem, it was a good day to be out & about town... I sent her back at around 6pm & after 'Asr prayers I quickly head home. You know the escalator heading up towards Causeway pt/MRT station from Woodlands Interchange, how high it was..? & If you don't, well.. it was about 2x the usual mrt escalator height...pret-ty steep there... a guy was standing 2 steps up from in front of me & there was a nother guy infront of him we were all following escalator riding regulations by standing on the left hand-side.. about 3/4 up, the 1st guy suddenly dropped onto the guy in front of me & in a split second both of them were pushed on top of me. I only had 1 hand on the railing and the other was holding a plastic bag filled with my favourite things (3 thick library books & food). I yelped, bent my knees and lowered half of my body (all those boring facts abt the laws of the gravity came into play here, guys..) the other half of my body were flailed to the back..All praises to Allah, before we reached the top, the guy in front of me managed to stabilize himself and the guy who just dropped onto him like a sack of potatoes...(I think he blacked out for i noticed him rubbing his head) both of them apologized and i was just too shocked so i just mumbled something i wasn't even sure what... I looked down and some other people below us were also rubbing their chest relieved perhaps it didn't turn out to be a stampede or perhaps in this case, a rolling-pede?

Guys, seriously...before this i used to not care abt the public announcement know the ones...where u're supposed to take the lift if you're feeling unwell or carrying loads of stuff? So, before we "aw,shucks-no-it-won't-happen-to-me" , think..what if there are kids behind? pregnant ladies? the elderlies? what kind of a tra-domino-gic effect we could start...When I looked down the escalator, the notion that we could have rolled down & knocked people down like bowling pins, literally shook my knees..i had to sit down for a while...& what if bits of my clothes were stuck in between the gaps there...urgghh.. while recounting the incident to hubbi, my over-active imagination is working overtime (oh so not helping) that I cried and cried... Hubbi held me and kept saying sorry but i knew it wasn't his's no one's fault.. it just show how things we took for granted can turn ugly in a split second.. so guys, be careful okay... & please, stay behind the yellow line..!

Wednesday, April 11

15 New Items on My Amazon Wish-list

(This blog entry was automatically generated by Multiply's Wish-list Cross-posting beta feature.)

Below are items recently added to my Amazon wish-list. If you are familiar with anything below and have any comments or alternate suggestions, please leave a reply.

Click here to see my full and current wish-list.

A Thousand Splendid Suns
Manufacturer: Riverhead Hardcover
Price: $15.57

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The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Manufacturer: Penguin (Non-Classics)
Price: $5.95

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
Manufacturer: Arthur A. Levine Books
Price: $18.89

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You Suck: A Love Story
Manufacturer: William Morrow
Price: $12.25

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Island of the Sequined Love Nun
Manufacturer: Harper Paperbacks
Price: $2.38

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My Sister's Keeper: A Novel (Picoult, Jodi)
Manufacturer: Atria
Price: $12.75

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The Goldfish Went on Vacation: A Memoir of Loss (and Learning to Tell the Truth about It)
Manufacturer: Trumpeter
Price: $7.00

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Only Forward
Manufacturer: Spectra
Price: $3.48

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A Dirty Job: A Novel
Manufacturer: William Morrow
Price: $6.99

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Waiting for Daisy: A Tale of Two Continents, Three Religions, Five Infertility Doctors, an Oscar, an Atomic Bomb, a Rom
Manufacturer: Bloomsbury USA
Price: $11.97

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Manufacturer: Scribner
Price: $1.50

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Bloodsucking Fiends
Manufacturer: Harper Paperbacks
Price: $6.59

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The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror, Version 2.0
Price: $9.99

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The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Manufacturer: Harper Paperbacks
Price: $6.49

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Manufacturer: Harper Collins Publishers
Price: $10.99

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sekali ku tepis, *kelepap* dia jatuh atas muka direktor ahmad nisfu....

had more time to think of my previous post... yeah, i was angry... now more befuddled & exasperated...

hadn't meant to sound as mean-spirited or bad-tempered as it was supposed to be and never would i use this platform to give out personal lashings before lashing out directly to the person(s) involved. But i had exhausted all means of communication with the intended. Yet the intended buat dono jer.. worse still, the intended, demanded to be treated as an adult...well, in my book, to qualify, you first have to be an adult or at least "try to act like one"...haiz...

i'll not brood on it....gotta keep moving forward anyhows... so am praying to be back more cool & collected (refer to figure below)

Saturday, April 7

070407 ---- 1152

you say one thing and then you go ahead and do another

grow up,

get over yourself...

the world doesn't revolve around you

Tuesday, March 27

who? me?

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

funnily enuf, when i used another pic, my look-alike posse totally changed!

Thursday, March 22

Sometimes, life can feel like a job,
But sometimes, if we're lucky, our job can feel like life.
(chrisina adams)

Wednesday, March 21

you follow your head when it comes to romance

You follow your head when it comes to romance
Maybe you've been burned before, or maybe you're just too busy changing the world, but when it comes to your love life, you definitely look before you leap. While you might not be cautious in every aspect of your life, love is an area you tread on lightly. Let's face it, you'd rather have a little more control over your emotions, but they're sometimes hard to pin down. So rather than get lost in them, you, and many of us, probably prefer to focus on other aspects of your life.It's not that you don't want love to wash over you so you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's just that you'd probably like to fall in love when it best fits into your calendar. Still, with your smarts, you're probably able to sense when you're up for a little romancing and when you're not. Just remember, if you're ever on the fence, you want to fall off on the side where someone's going to catch you. Especially if he's tall, dark, and handsome.

Do You Follow Your Heart or Your Head?

Brought to you by Tickle

Monday, March 19

At a pharmacy,

Boy : hmmm.... I donno what's good... (while fingering boxes of condoms)
Girl : Aiyah...whatever need to be so fussy one...
Boy : u know which one better?

The pair then looked this way & that and blushed hotly when realised that their "discussion" was not privy to just themselves... both chucked the boxes they were holding back to the shelves and made for the exit as if their pants were on fire....
Perhaps the reason people were staring at them aside from the fact that they were loud & behaving rather intimately, might be cos they looked so very secondary sch students...maybe appearances can be deceiving..but looking back at their level of conversation....i think

Friday, March 16

Thursday, March 15

Why It Was None Of Your Business (The Sequel)

Gosh, i spoke too soon...

I'm having a big fat dose of this too, right this minute.... worse, i can't walk away from her...have to tahan this person until lunchtime...God help me! She's sitting right across me and asked me all sorts of question.... why r u temping? are u waiting for admission to any uni? what are u eating? (I was just abt to munch on a piece of bread i brought from home, nasib baik tak tersedak) where do u stay? what time u get up? what time u go to sleep??

AARRGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Just leave me the hell alone, woman!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14

i'm so cold...

..that I'm going to the loo every 8 minutes...

..that my fingers felt like they're bitten by frost...

..that my head has gone over the freezing point...

..that I can't speak without twisting my tongue...

nielah manusia...kalau panas, complain...kalau sejuk pon complain...hmmmm

central aircon system is not such a good idea after all.... especially in a tiny enclosed space...

Monday, March 12

saturday, kacang saturday, day.. DEY!

Had a pre-emp medical check up @9 in the am...all the way in raffles place no less...thankfully it was saturday so the trains were not like a can of sardines as usual although it was quite packed but i can still breathe... had to take x-ray twice becos the 1st time round, the tech exclaimed "your lungs too small!" in a way that could only imply that there was something critically wrong with me (in the medical sense!)... When the series of tortures were almost over, I realized that they had specified my gender wrongly.. So i informed the recep nicely & she (wif snide smiles) replied "oh that's why we asked you to read through before signing the form just now...!" YES, MAM... but amidst all the medical labelling on the 7 paged forms, I was only able to spot my name, address & IC number correctly wif the aid of a magnifying could u really blame me for overlooking the fact of my gender spelled out in a 3.5 point font? In any case since the report will be sent to emp directly I wisely concluded not to aggravate the kind lady..I smiled, said my ps & my qs and peace was restored...

himself called to say he had a group project discussion & since 1 of his grp member happens to be chups' hubby, we, meaning me & chups saw it as a gd chance to go for another tai-tai session...we dropped off the husbands and headed off to meet up wif our old flames, Ben & Jerry @ Suntec City...Suueeett...tot of popping over to the career fair...BUT we were a week late...duh...Needless to say, the whole place was jammed packed for there was an IT Show in full swing...there was an even announcements asking visitors to visit the show in an hr's time due to crowd...but i doubt any of them paid any mind to the next best thing, we went to a sporting goods/bed & baths sale where we bought some cheap but still good stuff...In fact, we managed to get very good deals on bedsheet sets...further discounts on already discounted prices.. God, i sound like a bleeding aunty-aunty already...

Picked up chups' mom and had quite a discussion in a car wif regards to JAWI, the almost extinct position and its upcoming revival...very intellectual and quite heated too between mother & daughter..& considering the kind of turns & corners chups was throwing that day, I'm happy to report that all of us are in one piece..Then we met the boys for dinner and i guess after quite a long day of threading through traffic & human jams, we were ready to dine & relax...however, luck was not on our side...

firstly, there were so many dishes on the menu we got cock-eyed just by looking at them...however, our feelings were cheated for most of our orders had to be cancelled...reason being:- some of the ingredients & at one time even the cook was not in...haiyahh, mau makan pon susah... & we had double confusion wif seafood & siput...himself kept asking us if "siput boleh makan tak?" Now, is that a trick question? And Din being the normal Din, gave quite an extensive historical account on how the siputs(siput babi, siput sedut, siput gonggong, siput lala) gain their name. Since i'm a kind-hearted gal, I shall not confuse u all by re-counting it...Between chups & meself, we demolished 4 cans of pokka green tea & suffice to say we were already flying higher than the eagles, if there had been one...

Sunday, March 11

Just for fun @ Midnite Part II

D.L. Hawkins
You scored 45 Idealism, 41 Nonconformity, 4 Nerdiness

I ain't wearing no tights.
Congratulations, you're D.L. Hawkins! You've got a bit of a past to overcome, but you are a strong person and you care very deeply about the people you love. You are good at getting out of tight situations, however, you're not quite as good at simple, practical things like making lunches. Your best quality: Getting yourself out of difficult situations Your worst quality: No culinary skills whatsoever, refusal to don tights

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 30% on Idealism

free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 30% on Nonconformity

free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 0% on Nerdiness

Saturday, March 10

Just for fun @ Midnite Part I

You are Temperance

Time. Ages. Transformation. Involuntary change

Temperance is another card of aspiration, but also of much change. It often represents complex situations. Positively, you can harmonize contrary forces.

Temperance is, on a surface level, about "tempering." The original pouring from cup to cup might have been about cutting wine with water. So this is a card about moderation. There is, however, another angle to the card, that of merging seemingly impossible opposites. Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man into a unique creature. And then there is the bow and arrow, one moving, one stationary, working together to point the way. Temperance may be, at first glance, a warning for you to "temper" your behavior, to cut your wine with water. But it may also be a reminder to that seemingly irreconcilable opposites may not be irreconcilable at all. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


Note to dandy, thanks dear for the link...had fun doing it although i must say i don't really understand their explanation of my card...hehe...sesajer nak menyibok..

100307 ---- 2249

saw chups & cake's Ee-han weird traits..very funny...very cute...

thot it might be fun to look into my closet & rediscover my 6 weird things...hmmm.. (1) I get chased by cats & dogs A LOT.. popular u say? Naahh.. & I do not as a rule go out of my way to provoke them incessantly... And, I do not attempt to feed animals...I learnt that lesson well back in Sec 2... @ Bt Timah on one of our class nature hikes..We took a short break & had an impromptu picnic (sharing our bekals from home) when we reached the top... Saw a cute lil' monkey... tossed him some biscuits and before I can say "goodness gracious great wheels of fire", the whole gang had me under siege... I ran for my dear life while my classmates whom i can see were trying to abstain from rolling on the ground laffing, were helping to gather my things & shouting suggestions to lose the monkey squad..what wif the monkeys' excited chatters the whole place sounded like an extremely busy & extremely deafening marketplace... i could almost see the monkey chief's sneer.. Out of sheer agility or perhaps sheer lack of ideas, I climbed the small gazebo's pole and managed to hang the upper part of my body at the top and my legs dangling ustazah was frantic & began to throw small sticks at the advancing motley crew trying to ward them off. Apparently they only went after those who tried to feed them & not those who tried to beat them.. When I re-tell the story to a group of friends, 1 of them pointed out "but chillis, you do know that monkeys climb..don't you?" Well, i guess it was my lucky day that none of the monkeys had thought of that...

Erm.. after dat 1st account, 'nuff said...don't you think?

Saturday, February 17

desperate housewife

MIL has left the building

A sigh went up my chest and flew out of my lips…

Please don’t get me wrong, I do not have anything against MILs or my MIL in particular. And I like to think she doesn’t have anything against me in particular. I just seem to find it hard to breathe and talk like a normal, sane person around her. Even after more than 2 years. And if you think this is just a run-off-the-mill griping & complaining MIL story..well, you’re right…however, it’s NOT of her, it’s more of me..

My mom advised…well, more like warned me to be at my best behaviour and that I should love her and give her respects more so than I shower upon my own mom, God bless her.. I do love and respect the MIL… but face it. she is MIL therefore as the dutiful ‘other woman’ I want..I crave for her approval…be it the way I talk to her/her sons/her other DIL…the way I do my house chores especially how or what I cook (oh yes…) One of the pros for staying alone, I only cook for himself . For me, whenever I feel hungry, I’d munch an apple or take a bread.. the cons when the MIL stays over, I start to mencacah buying groceries and cracking my head wondering what on earth I can cook for her…

So, whenever she stays over with us, you can find me in the kitchen 24/7 opening the fridge and the cupboards checking for supplies. God forbid, that I should be lacking say, an onion…I’ll have full nervous breakdown, biting my fingernails into oblivion… That’s stretching the truth a bit far perhaps, but believe me, I feel like such a failure when she turned to me and said, “you ran out of black pepper? Oh well, we’ll make do…”

I usually cook for himself.. ok.. so even though mom does not consider frying noodles/KOKA and popping nuggets/hotdogs/potatoes in the oven as cooking, I do, okay..& himself doesn’t complain he in fact takes care to compliment me every time, “this is nice, really..a little bit too spicy, but nice..” Maybe cos he can’t really differentiate taste, he’ll eat anything save for sticks & stones…I love himself to bits and I trust himself with my life but a food critique himself doth not make…Therefore when I cook, I’d have all the ingredients chopped, minced, weighed and laid out in front of me.. And to make sure it’s all edible; I’ve a personal tasting spoon which I used throughout my course of cooking. The kitchen looked like Dr Frankenstein’s lab & I’d end up with cleaning half the cabinet’s dishes..

When MIL was here, she helped to fold laundry, cut chillies/onions/garlics & grinded them to a pulp, make bagedils…in other words she generally helped to improve my kitchen life… so I’ve no right to even complain..really, after hearing some horror MIL stories, my MIL is basically a Bambi… thank God…however, can’t help but wonder that there must be an easier way to this…

As mentioned earlier, this ain’t a griping-whigeing story.. I’m trying to develop methodologies on being the all-round housewife/DIL which upon for a small fee (for research) will be shared with fellow clueless DILS. For those with proven track record and willing to share their trials/errors, please call 1800-SAVE-CHILLIS

And so the search of being the perfect cook a.k.a housewife continues…

Thursday, February 8

She said:

"To forgive is to let go of the hope that the past could be different..."

Maybe I am not ready to lose hope of the future...but I still wish I could turn back time & change history... be less afraid...bold to speak up & out .. that I wouldn't be caught in the tangled web of lies and hypocrisy ... Maybe I was as bad as you are for being your mute, reluctant accomplice. Maybe I still am your mute, reluctant accomplice...

God, wot a mess
May Allah bless her soul...and may He keep your family strong & patient in overcoming these trying times...Amiin, insyaa Allah...

Tuesday, February 6

I feel sick to the core...
I thought the past would stay in the past
I thought wrong
To cut you out of my life would involve lots of heartache and pain
To continue living like 'normal' would be hypocritical...
Tell me, wot should i do then?

Saturday, January 13

Friday, January 12


another day, another interview...

wish me luck

Friday, January 5

Merindu Kepastian

Andai kau menjadi pelangi
biar ku jadi awannya
Agar kita selalu bersama

Andai kau menjadi sang duyung
biar ku jadi karangnya
agar kita selalu bersua

Andai kau menjadi merpati
biar ku jadi sang bayu
Agar kita sering bertemu

Andai kau menjadi puisi
biar ku jadi melodi
bersama kita bernyanyi

Andai ku menjadi rembulan
sudikah engkau menjadi kejora
hingga pagi nanti

Andai esok aku menjadi tanah
sudikah engkau menjadi bunga
hiasi dadaku

by Mr Art Fazil
taken from his album Nur


And for the benefit of those who has difficulty understanding the above, please see the following.. (of course the meaning might have been lost in translation nevertheless I hope you enjoy the song on my music site)


If you are the rainbow
Let me be the cloud
So that we’ll always be together

If you are the mermaid
Let me be the corals
So that we’ll always see each other

If you are the dove
Let me be the breeze
So that we’ll always meet

If you are the rhyme
Let me the melody
So that together we’ll sing

If I become the moon
Will you be the stars
Till morning comes

And if tomorrow I turn into earth
Will you be the flowers
Adorning my chest

Thursday, January 4

Anyone been white water rafting in Malaysia?

The magnetic chain sisters are itching for our yearly overseas (mis)adventure..

Anybody can recommend :

  • Where to go?
  • What package from which agency to take?
  • Any Do's & Don'ts...??
We appreciate all helpful infos from you...