Sunday, March 26

went ikea wif hubby, wanting to buy dining set. Happened now got big furnishing sale there..oh yeah, place was undersiege wif people pushing carts, elbowing other people, grabbing items of shelves, dragging young children screaming for toys... When we got to the dept, none of the design were interesting enuf..actually we had set our eyes on particular item but when we saw it again, both of us thought dat it's not dat great, besides, DAT particular piece is still on U.P. no sale!
So, instead of buying something which both of us would regret spending money on besideswhich, the price isn't dat reasonable, we called abah & mak Tag-Team to the rescue... Turned out dat both of them were at the hub shopping themselves.. hehe.. With the AbahMobile(AM), they picked us up and brought us to the nearest makan place in boon keng for fueling-up, needed to tackle the on-slaught of furniture shops on crazy mad sale...
Wif the Tag-Team & the AM on full tank, nothing can stop us!!!!

We took on several shops along paya lebar inds areas, saw a couple design but where the design is pleasing, we felt the size was too big...but where the size was just nice, the design is something which we wouldn't even put in our store room..sigh...The Tag-Team was also on the look-out for a computer table for anone, the ShopVader who was following us, explaining & reassuring his products can be seen rubbing his hands & grinning like mad on the sly perhaps thinking of a big, fat commission... while looking at our 2nd shop, i happened across a nice big sofa dat can double up as a small bed for 1..just rite for our TV area..Hubbi thot so too..after arguing the merits and the exact place to put if we buy it, hubbi flashed out the light-money-sabre and put the deposit down... He was estatic, the ShopVader i meant, after us finally interested to buy something after a long hard battle of the bargain.. Tag-Team decided to sit this one out & be spectator sports... :

After an arduous journey, at the second last shop...somewhere near geylang police ctr, we found THE ONE! Everything about it checks on our list and it screams PERFECT! Mak asked if it's big enuf, well if it is big, we might have to place it on the corridor (no space!) Hubbi said part of our winning strategy is we should never show our interest..we walked on around asking about other sets, bargain-battling as well and finally back to the set of our dreams..We didn't win the war as hubbi set greater sights & as the Tag-Team said we should survey other shops 1st before finally conquering this one... hmm..

The last shop we went, well to cut the story short, even the shop's name puts us off but the Tag-Team said we shouldn't discount the enemy's threat too soon..& so we entered...and just as fast we exited..

Well, our long battle has yield magnificently..we now have decided what & where to just waiting for the other 1/2 of the Tag-Team to return so as to resume our conquest of the Ultimate Dining Set...

Wednesday, March 22

Started as a part time teacher at a nearby was..challenging will be under-rating as usual being kids;
brutally honest,
obedient & the lack of it,
well, they are a lively bunch of contradictions....sucking my energy reducing a "healthy" young woman in a heap each single day... & i love them fer it..They made me lose weight! hee hee More so as i travel on foot to & fro...And yesterday, just as a thought dat i've not call mom fer quite a long time while walking home, i twisted my right ankle on the sidewalk kerb. Was God angry and therefore sent me this as a retribution? Who knows & neways, i'm not about to go analyzing God's work.. What I DO know for a fact i'm a klutz..yep, i am...i can be walking fine & dandy and before you can say "oh brother" i'm down clutching my foot/leg/whatever-limb that hurts...The loads of scab marks on me can testify to dat...Went to the polyclinic dis morning & i got 2 days mc.. haha just as i was thinking for getting a perfect clean work record

******** Special prayers for Uncle Ali & family... May Allah help them*************

Monday, March 13

All the best Jannah dear...may God bless your engagement & may you find happiness & joy in it all the way thru to marriage...

Saturday, March 11

This is to touch base... yep aai had dutifully informed me my tagboard has yet again AWOL for the 100th time, thanx dearie...

The aunties/uncles/cousins been meaningfully asking if i've gotten "it"/"good news"/"dah ada(in malay meaning gotten it)".. one had remarked that i may have inherited late pregnancy syndrome from me mom... on the outside, i just shook my head and said "i dunno"... on the inside... God only knows... how could one predict such things when one isn't even a qualified MD/ObGyn... Did one see it from my face/palm/tea leaves or watever they might use to tell the future? How could one just dispense such remarks so offhandedly? Hell, i'm mad for this one remark that not only affected me but my mother as well... sheesh...

Since then, i've been stocking up infos on conceptions/pregnancies and the like..bought dozens of tests & cried when the window indicator remained blank... see?? See??!!! what YOU'd made me do? YOU're lucky my hubbi's been keeping a level head while i've been losing mine...

Allah, help me...