Monday, October 10

welcome home

can't sleep.. why?

feeling excited & thrilled & anxious...


my hubbi's coming home later this morning after 8 long, harrowing, punishing days in reservist.. yeah me menjeng but then dis is my 1st taste of eating/drinking/sleeping/waking without him for full 8 days and i'm told dat dis won't be the last for at least another 5 yrs perhaps.. & May I say dat the taste is not to my liking though hubbi had proudly & patriotically stated dat it's his responsibility to take care of his loved ones and he is doing exactly dat by committing to it.. but he agreed dat it's been long enuf. i pray that HE keeps my hubbi safe..ameen..

dis time round hubbi had to start fasting in camp..da pooorrrr thing but u know wat, in a way i'm thankful for this separation as it really made me realise just how much this stubborn but fierecely-loving guy means to this stubborn & gorgeously enchanting me..heheh Seriously, it makes me count the seconds till he's coming home, makes me miss him like crazy and remembering him in my prayers & waiting antsily for the phone to ring and it would be him on the other line.. In other words, as though falling back in love all over again...

1st iftar @DA

Went to DA last Saturday for iftar. Been positively ages since I stepped back there and met old chums.. aai picked me up and I guess she just loves challenges for she made me her street navigator.. a) There is no love lost between me & maps.  b) Sense of direction..wat da heck is dat?

Through God’s Merciful Graces, we managed to arrive @DA without any major hang-ups although I did manage to make her confused for about 3 times..heh, but fellow readers you would be wrong to think dat I am writing abt was not at least till jiha arrived and laughingly told us she just got knocked down by a van.

Yup! She stood there and told us that it was funny and that it was one of the most embarrassing things to happen in broad daylight among 2000 people milling around looking for food in the nearby bazaar. We were absolutely horrified, and had to drag her amidst her protests to a nearby clinic but it was after 5 and none was open.  She appeared relieved. jiha, being jiha she was more concerned of being embarrassed and of not wanting to be a bother. heh, we were worried if there might be any internal injuries for only after iftar she begun to complain of aches..  Oh, I forgot to mention that the van in question sped off making this case a hit & run..

Everyone was worried and so, not taking any of her ‘nonsenses’, we brought her to a nearby 24Hr clinic. The doc looked a bit peeved to see all 3 of us in his room together wif jiha, but hey the person to be concerened wif was jiha & not him.. hehe.. he asked for the whole details and pressed on her arms and her ribs to chk if there might be a fracture but he still told her to get some xray done as a precaution. The doc said no matter how small the injuries are, it is imperative to record details of the driver or the very least the license plate.. all we know dat it was a blue van.. poor jiha she looked very scared when she heard dat her aches could be serious. We immediately decided to get her to a&e on the very same nite & dat she shd inform her parents. She sounded shaky so we thot it was better dat I talked to her mum before her mum unnecessarily panicked & called the whole bandwagon.

@ the a&e it was another 2 hours wait..seemed like the whole eastern part of spore was having a gathering.. she went in wif kak yati while me (wif the classified section- looking for job) & aai, yakked our heads off  outside. After the xray had been done she was told she was clear & besides initial shock, it was only her muscles suffering the stretch..They made a police report there too & jiha got her wish, cute police officers taking down her statement.. hehe..

At first we half-seriously thinking of going mustafa & sahur outside but i think we have had enuf excitement for one day and much needed the rest, so I finally got home at abt half past midnite courtesy of aai driving but at least wif a heart not so heavy knowing jiha is not in any danger..

Sunday, October 9

Point of View

"Men are comic", she said, smiling dreamily. Not knowing whether this indicated praise or blame, I answered noncommittantly: "Quite true."
"Really, my husband's a regular Othello. Sometimes I'm sorry I married him."
I looked helplessly at her. "until you explain--" I began.
"Oh, I forgot that you haven't heard. About three weeks ago, I was walking home with my husband through the square. I had a large black hat on, which suits me awfully well, and my cheeks were quite pink from walking. As we passed under a streetlight, a pale , dark-haired fellow standing nearby glanced at me and suddenly took my husband by his sleeve.
"Would you oblige me with a light," he says. Alexander pulled his arm away, stooped down and quicker than lightning, banged him on the head with a brick. He fell like a log. Awful!"
"Why, what on earth made your husband get jealous all of a sudden?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I told you men are very comic."
Bidding her farewell, I went out, and at the corner came across her husband.
"Hello, old chap," I said. "They tell me you've been breaking people's heads."
He burst out laughing. "So you've talking to my wife. It was jolly lucky that brick came to pat into my hand. Otherwise, just think: I had about fifteen hundred rubles in my pocket, and my wife was wearing her diamond earrings."
"Do you think he wanted to rob you?"
"A man accosts you in a deserted spot, asks for a light, and gets hold of your arm. What more do you want?"
Perplexed, I left him and walked on.
"There's no catching you today," I heard a voice say from behind.
I looked around and saw a friend I hadn't set eyes upon for three weeks.
"Lord!" I exclaimed. "What on earth has happened to you?"
He smiled faintly and asked in turn: "Do you know whether any lunatics have been at large lately? I was attacked by one three weeks ago. I left the hospital only today."
With sudden interest, I asked: "Three weeks ago? Were you sitting in the square?"
"Yes, I was. The most absurd thing. I was sitting in the square, dying for a smoke. No matches! After ten minutes or so, a gentleman passed with some old hag. He was smoking. I go up to him, touch him on the sleeve and ask in my most polite manner: "Can you oblige me with a light?" And what do you think? The mad man stoops down, picks something up, and the next moment I am lying on the ground with a broken head, unconscious. You probably read about it in the newspapers."
I looked at him and asked earnestly: "Do you really believe you met up with a lunatic?"
"I am sure of it."
Anyhow, afterwards I was eagerly digging in old back numbers of the local paper. At last I found what I was looking for: A short note in the accident column.

Yesterday morning, the keepers of the square found on a bench ayoung man whose parents show him to be of good family. He had evidently fallen to the ground while in a state of extreme intoxication, and had broken his head on a nearby brick. The distress of the prodigal's parents is indescribable.

"Point of view" by A. Averchenko in Social Work Processes, 3rd ed., Compton & Galaway, Pg: 302 - 303, The Dorsey Press, Homewood, Illinois, 1984.