Tuesday, March 27

who? me?

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.

funnily enuf, when i used another pic, my look-alike posse totally changed!

Thursday, March 22

Sometimes, life can feel like a job,
But sometimes, if we're lucky, our job can feel like life.
(chrisina adams)

Wednesday, March 21

you follow your head when it comes to romance

You follow your head when it comes to romance
Maybe you've been burned before, or maybe you're just too busy changing the world, but when it comes to your love life, you definitely look before you leap. While you might not be cautious in every aspect of your life, love is an area you tread on lightly. Let's face it, you'd rather have a little more control over your emotions, but they're sometimes hard to pin down. So rather than get lost in them, you, and many of us, probably prefer to focus on other aspects of your life.It's not that you don't want love to wash over you so you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's just that you'd probably like to fall in love when it best fits into your calendar. Still, with your smarts, you're probably able to sense when you're up for a little romancing and when you're not. Just remember, if you're ever on the fence, you want to fall off on the side where someone's going to catch you. Especially if he's tall, dark, and handsome.

Do You Follow Your Heart or Your Head?

Brought to you by Tickle

Monday, March 19

At a pharmacy,

Boy : hmmm.... I donno what's good... (while fingering boxes of condoms)
Girl : Aiyah...whatever laaa..no need to be so fussy one...
Boy : u know which one better?

The pair then looked this way & that and blushed hotly when realised that their "discussion" was not privy to just themselves... both chucked the boxes they were holding back to the shelves and made for the exit as if their pants were on fire....
Perhaps the reason people were staring at them aside from the fact that they were loud & behaving rather intimately, might be cos they looked so very young...like secondary sch students...maybe appearances can be deceiving..but looking back at their level of conversation....i think

Friday, March 16

Thursday, March 15

Why It Was None Of Your Business (The Sequel)

Gosh, i spoke too soon...

I'm having a big fat dose of this too, right this minute.... worse, i can't walk away from her...have to tahan this person until lunchtime...God help me! She's sitting right across me and asked me all sorts of question.... why r u temping? are u waiting for admission to any uni? what are u eating? (I was just abt to munch on a piece of bread i brought from home, nasib baik tak tersedak) where do u stay? what time u get up? what time u go to sleep??

AARRGGHHHHHHHHH!!! Just leave me the hell alone, woman!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 14

i'm so cold...

..that I'm going to the loo every 8 minutes...

..that my fingers felt like they're bitten by frost...

..that my head has gone over the freezing point...

..that I can't speak without twisting my tongue...

nielah manusia...kalau panas, complain...kalau sejuk pon complain...hmmmm

central aircon system is not such a good idea after all.... especially in a tiny enclosed space...

Monday, March 12

saturday, kacang saturday, day.. DEY!

Had a pre-emp medical check up @9 in the am...all the way in raffles place no less...thankfully it was saturday so the trains were not like a can of sardines as usual although it was quite packed but i can still breathe... had to take x-ray twice becos the 1st time round, the tech exclaimed "your lungs too small!" in a way that could only imply that there was something critically wrong with me (in the medical sense!)... When the series of tortures were almost over, I realized that they had specified my gender wrongly.. So i informed the recep nicely & she (wif snide smiles) replied "oh that's why we asked you to read through before signing the form just now...!" YES, MAM... but amidst all the medical labelling on the 7 paged forms, I was only able to spot my name, address & IC number correctly wif the aid of a magnifying glass...so could u really blame me for overlooking the fact of my gender spelled out in a 3.5 point font? In any case since the report will be sent to emp directly I wisely concluded not to aggravate the kind lady..I smiled, said my ps & my qs and peace was restored...

himself called to say he had a group project discussion & since 1 of his grp member happens to be chups' hubby, we, meaning me & chups saw it as a gd chance to go for another tai-tai session...we dropped off the husbands and headed off to meet up wif our old flames, Ben & Jerry @ Suntec City...Suueeett...tot of popping over to the career fair...BUT we were a week late...duh...Needless to say, the whole place was jammed packed for there was an IT Show in full swing...there was an even announcements asking visitors to visit the show in an hr's time due to crowd...but i doubt any of them paid any mind to it...so the next best thing, we went to a sporting goods/bed & baths sale where we bought some cheap but still good stuff...In fact, we managed to get very good deals on bedsheet sets...further discounts on already discounted prices.. God, i sound like a bleeding aunty-aunty already...

Picked up chups' mom and had quite a discussion in a car wif regards to JAWI, the almost extinct position and its upcoming revival...very intellectual and quite heated too between mother & daughter..& considering the kind of turns & corners chups was throwing that day, I'm happy to report that all of us are in one piece..Then we met the boys for dinner and i guess after quite a long day of threading through traffic & human jams, we were ready to dine & relax...however, luck was not on our side...

firstly, there were so many dishes on the menu we got cock-eyed just by looking at them...however, our feelings were cheated for most of our orders had to be cancelled...reason being:- some of the ingredients & at one time even the cook was not in...haiyahh, mau makan pon susah... & we had double confusion wif seafood & siput...himself kept asking us if "siput boleh makan tak?" Now, is that a trick question? And Din being the normal Din, gave quite an extensive historical account on how the siputs(siput babi, siput sedut, siput gonggong, siput lala) gain their name. Since i'm a kind-hearted gal, I shall not confuse u all by re-counting it...Between chups & meself, we demolished 4 cans of pokka green tea & suffice to say we were already flying higher than the eagles, if there had been one...

Sunday, March 11

Just for fun @ Midnite Part II

D.L. Hawkins
You scored 45 Idealism, 41 Nonconformity, 4 Nerdiness

I ain't wearing no tights.
Congratulations, you're D.L. Hawkins! You've got a bit of a past to overcome, but you are a strong person and you care very deeply about the people you love. You are good at getting out of tight situations, however, you're not quite as good at simple, practical things like making lunches. Your best quality: Getting yourself out of difficult situations Your worst quality: No culinary skills whatsoever, refusal to don tights

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 30% on Idealism

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You scored higher than 30% on Nonconformity

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You scored higher than 0% on Nerdiness

Saturday, March 10

Just for fun @ Midnite Part I

You are Temperance

Time. Ages. Transformation. Involuntary change

Temperance is another card of aspiration, but also of much change. It often represents complex situations. Positively, you can harmonize contrary forces.

Temperance is, on a surface level, about "tempering." The original pouring from cup to cup might have been about cutting wine with water. So this is a card about moderation. There is, however, another angle to the card, that of merging seemingly impossible opposites. Sagittarius, the centaur, merges beast and man into a unique creature. And then there is the bow and arrow, one moving, one stationary, working together to point the way. Temperance may be, at first glance, a warning for you to "temper" your behavior, to cut your wine with water. But it may also be a reminder to that seemingly irreconcilable opposites may not be irreconcilable at all. Belief that fiery red and watery blue cannot be merged may be the only thing standing in the way of blending the two. Change the belief, measure out each with care, and you can create otherworldly violet.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


Note to dandy, thanks dear for the link...had fun doing it although i must say i don't really understand their explanation of my card...hehe...sesajer nak menyibok..

100307 ---- 2249

saw chups & cake's Ee-han weird traits..very funny...very cute...

thot it might be fun to look into my closet & rediscover my 6 weird things...hmmm.. (1) I get chased by cats & dogs A LOT.. popular u say? Naahh.. & I do not as a rule go out of my way to provoke them incessantly... And, I do not attempt to feed animals...I learnt that lesson well back in Sec 2... @ Bt Timah on one of our class nature hikes..We took a short break & had an impromptu picnic (sharing our bekals from home) when we reached the top... Saw a cute lil' monkey... tossed him some biscuits and before I can say "goodness gracious great wheels of fire", the whole gang had me under siege... I ran for my dear life while my classmates whom i can see were trying to abstain from rolling on the ground laffing, were helping to gather my things & shouting suggestions to lose the monkey squad..what wif the monkeys' excited chatters the whole place sounded like an extremely busy & extremely deafening marketplace... i could almost see the monkey chief's sneer.. Out of sheer agility or perhaps sheer lack of ideas, I climbed the small gazebo's pole and managed to hang the upper part of my body at the top and my legs dangling precariously...my ustazah was frantic & began to throw small sticks at the advancing motley crew trying to ward them off. Apparently they only went after those who tried to feed them & not those who tried to beat them.. When I re-tell the story to a group of friends, 1 of them pointed out "but chillis, you do know that monkeys climb..don't you?" Well, i guess it was my lucky day that none of the monkeys had thought of that...

Erm.. after dat 1st account, 'nuff said...don't you think?