Saturday, August 12

Never Say Goodbye

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Category: Movies
Genre: Drama

Isn't the typical love story-run around the trees-change clothes 12 times in a song-movie.1st time i hate shahrukh's guts...Any of u who knows me personally, would know it's not sumthing i'd say anyhow.. i'm not gonna spill it here...if u can bear 3hrs +++ long movie, you'll see whydespite all dat, this will soon be added to my dvd collection....yeap, it IS that good...

Friday, August 11

Title: The Breakdown Lane
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Author: Jacquelyn Mitchard

Where can a woman turn when her own life threatens to overwhelm her ability to keep her children safe?

This book will take you on a wry & moving journey of life, loss & healing...Wait, before u think this is just another love/marriage/parenting fiction with a feminist world-view, this book had a different, unique style of delivery. Her words, letters (she as a newspaper aunt aggie) and get this, her son's journal who is by the way diagnosed as having LD added special insights.

See the story unfolds as she was caught off-guard when her husband kept going on 'sabbatical trips' & eventually MIA. Things worsened when she was diagnosed with a serious illness & her 2 children went on a journey to find their absent father by themselves...

happy ending??? Well like they say, only fairy-tales have happy any case, happy or sad is just an emotional barometer which has no exact standards. Life will still throw a monkey wrench when you just thought everything would end well. The real question is: How do we handle it?

Thursday, August 10

Bila nak tunjuk 'terer'.....

Believe or not yours truly got roped in to join 1 of nusms' team of bowlers 1 saturday...a competition organised by sp mls @The Chevrons. & all thanx to my sis cum team manager cum cheerleader cum watergirl -(aaaa..sumer title dia angkutlah..)i was in! hubbi came took leave to support me...hehe..actually i forced him to but he gladly welcomed the break...

oh yeah... we played a mean game of bowling...unfortunately some other teams got meaner.. but being non-sourgrapes, we accept our loss with grace & dignity... aper yg aku membebel ni?

1st was the trial round, then 2 rounds of play... nusms sent 2 teams team: amino (chief of the pack, full of acidic moves), fasha (our main striker complete wif spinning bowls), & 'kak' aisyah (she looks so cool, yet she set fire in the bowling alleys)...i paled in comparison...literally.. but all in gd fun, even we did not win,fasha & aisyah was among the top 3 individual bowlers...& i did not do too shabbily either...ok i sucked but at least i did not suck as bad as i usually did..a definite & positive improvement even i f i say so myself...

So here's to you, team...thanx fer the great moral support when the pins swayed side by side yet did not fall... thanx fer not laffing, when my ball went down the drain...esp thanx fer the great company u all proved to be... to risk being corny: dat was wat team spirit is all wot amino(team leader) had remarked @ the end of our pep talk:
"tak menang takpe...asal jgn kalah jer... "

Sunday, August 6

in & out the cherry window....

what a full & filling day yesterday had me having a short break wif kit kat to pen this down...ok honestly no kit kat but it doesn't really matter, does it?

When the clock stroke its magical hour me & me co-workers headed out to the usual bus stop which is usually crowded wif the usual crowd., We were pushed & shoved along on the bus by the so-called hopeful elite minds of this country who in reality have an obnoxious dearth of human courtesy... That aside, I was looking forward to meeting hubbi & to a nice hot seafood dinner wif his relatives at kg chai chee restaurant otherwise (in)famously known as Oooh la la...(wif a name like dat, u dun have to be a genius to know dat dis was the "filling" part...)

We alighted @paya lebar as we were quite early & managed 2 squeeze in some much-needed shirt shopping fer him. Bought 2 at a very generous bargain! Hubbi decided to change into his new attire to bedazzle his crowd... I couldn't find any fer myself but it's ok, compared to him, some of my clothes have never even seen the light of the day. Plus I am very much dazzling already...tee hee...We then met up wif MIL @ mosque & then made our way down to the rest.

Having had nothing of real substance since lunch(& an extremely light one at that), both of us were rather starving...even the cili jeruk looks tempting.. but first, we read some thanksgiving do'as esp for 1 aunt & 1 kuzzin who had received gd fortune recently..When the makan arrives, nobody wasted any time stuffing their faces...turns out everyone had come "prepared" wif their empty stomachs... we had seafood fried rice, very spicy hot plate beancurd, black pepper beef, kailan, cumis, garoupa sweet n sour, breaded cuttlefish balls wif mayo....*sluuurrrppppp...chillisdroolsagainatthethoughtofasumptiousspread* For dessert, 3 scoops each of home-made low-fat ice-cream.. i dunno how low the fat was, & as it were, I couldn't put one more morself of food... I'd puke, i think... & so i donated my share to 1 of the boys which of cos was not refused...How did they hold it all, i wonder....

After dinner & after long salam-ing (the ceremony of leave-taking commonly seen in a muslim community) and last-minute chatters, we went on our separate ways... We got a cab to MIL's place (which turned out to be a scary affair on the highway after we knew that the driver in question reeked of alcohol) Kept praying for smooth journey & alhamdulillah we arrived safe. Caught the bus/mrt/bus back to jw and as we were reaching the station, i remembered the day's date & informed hubbi dat the movie he wanted to watch opened already. Proceeded to gv @jp & bought 2 tix to see CLICK The show ended at around 2 a.m. & we reached home around 2.45 as we had to walk all the way.. It shouldn't be so bad except for the fact that: One, neither of us had had a a good rest & fresh change of clothes since morn & Two, I'd bowling competition scheduled in a few hours' time... & that is another story...

PuT oN YouR HaPPY FeeT

I know size can be daunting...but don't worry coz' I love you..!!
I LOO-ove YO-ouuu...!!!

Wednesday, August 2

If you have 24 hours

If you have 24 hours of perfect health, how would you spend it?

write it down, lemme know or don't...watever, but at least do think abt it..Then think how you are spending your day today...