Tuesday, October 28

What are the odds?

when i read your blog, aai ijust being a tuch paranoid... i mean you've been together for like how many donkey years and you've a beautiful boy there.. and then i get what i think you felt then...

Yesterday, we suddenly had a bit of inspiration to clean up our karang guni store-room... among others, we found baju kahwin which we thought we had lost for gd when we were pindah-randah-ing... then hasbern found a keepsake wallet where he kept a lot of khazanah from is arwah bapak n arwah yai... so it's pretty valuable lah in terms of sentiment..then as I was looking it over, I found a small photograph of a girl standing in a kitchen wrapped in a plastic... i asked him half-jokingly asking this one gf no. berapa? and he mentioned that heyy, this is where the photo has been all this while..? n i was like... okay...he knew her when he was in 1st yr poly...regarded it as a first time he got to know a girl non-platonically...i was just trying not to care too much n guess what comes next... he nonchalantly informed me, "oh by the way her name's also Maisarah"

Dayum! store-room nyer barang kemana , aku pon kemana... hasbern was just laffing it off n kept assuring me he hadn't any idea he still had the photo etc, etc...& i know, i know...he's with me now and since he had forgotten this supposedly little detail should tell me that they were never seriously an item..but the fact that the photograph was carefully kept in a plastic among the valuable keepsakes just ate me up...