Monday, May 8

life's getting more interesting by the minute... patience is not just mere words to describe a state of controlling emotion/feeling. It's not mere words someone says to you when faced with trying situations.
the term u never know someone unless u live under one roof..maybe cliche but oh so true...
the need to prove how much u're willing to go for that someone...another mushy cliche if i may say but unless you're going through the same thing, dun tell me, "i know..." Cos u dun... u have no idea...

Tuesday, May 2

all hail the Sisterhood of Magnetic Chains...

special tribute to u after an unbelievably amazing had been ages since we meet up, so thankful we'd not lost the special touch..

initial plan was to ice-skate, i was having doubts on my balancing capabilities. But after assuring myself dat i couldn't possibly do much worse than the other skaters in the rink, the counter staff said the rink were closed after 4.30 for their icec-hockey tournament...darn, we headed to k-box but cancelled the niat to sing our hearts out when we saw the pool room..It was certainly no less fun than ice-skating & definitely no less embarrassing hehehe...wat wif the wacky techniques; dunking the cue ball, posing like pros while taking aims, play-cheat in more ways than one especially aai's compulsive itchy hands which must always re-arrange the balls whenever they rolled off..

needless to say, we rule at eating out..good food wif great company is guaranteed kodak moments. Dun underestimate the power of us polishing off the food even piranhas would bow in deference..

movies, scrabble & gossip till wee hours interspersed wif loads of junk food (fossil fuel's a clear winner) i can literally feel the pile of pounds then.

these go out to u:
aai, always belting out peterpan/dewa/some sob malay songs even at 3 am in the morning during scrabble dat had almost put all of us to sleep...after a stellar 1st round, i lost the 2nd round..u purposely did it ah?

nadz, u've been super..letting us crash ur beautiful home..literally... the neighbors must think that we were some idiots having a smashing party(we're no idiots though cos idiots wont know how to have a smashing partee) & hope ur other half didn't regret his consent too much hee hee..

kak yati, ur bubbly presence nevertheless entertained us all...esp when u were posing in a 'brokeback mountain' way at the pool room. i swear the other tables were just jealous & annoyed wif us all.. & yes, we learnt to take ur car decals' sign seriously (grin)

zackeroo, u gave us some out-of-this-world pool techniques (skipping ball move, aim 1 & shoot another move..just to name a few..) introduced us to fossil fuel & made yummy breakfast wif the other gals when aai & me finally passed out in the morn.