Thursday, April 28

Siamese Nite

Gundeks' "last" Escapade

Had the most possibly last dinner out wif all the gundeks last Tues.. We went to Siam Kitchen @Bugis Junction ..Mostly down the memory lane for the lot. Noi managed to pass her wedding invite which sadly Zu might miss out as she's leaving for Aussie on the 7th. Oh and did i mention my hubby tagged along though let me stress the fact that he wasn't part of the gundek clan 'cept maybe for me only, hehe... And so, he became the only thorn among the roses and the one who got saddled wif all the cameras (there were 4!).. Each of us really lived up to the event, lots of bantering and "gal talk" which i think my hubby might be a tad bit embarrassed but which he gamely braced through.. In the end, we couldn't decide whether we were too full from the food or the laughter..

It became teary at the very last part when I started to hug Zu.. Stef in her zealous-ness to capture every moment(especially the funnily sad ones) was hell-bent trying to get Zu cry buckets. The rest of us then hug Zu('cept my hubby, of course!) and Zu started again.. well, most of us were not dry-eyed either..

Well, we definitely wish for your very best, joy, well-being & blessings whereever you may be.. Love you, gal!

Tuesday, April 26

Grr... Just when everything was going fine... my templates for the lesson plans and all were left at work! #%@$^!
I feel like watching a movie now.... hmm... *rummaging through CD case* maybe since i'm in the suicidal mood - kill bill's the 1st choice?

Anyone can recommend sites of Malay subject for pre-school teachers ?? Need help... Badly... Very bad.. Am hanging at the edge of the PC table now... Pwease?
lesson plans, teaching aids, learning corner materials....ooooh yeah... don't i just love deadlines.. Bring them on!!!

Sunday, April 24

Had a fun session during Malay Curriculum workshop @ Learning Capital(LCI). At least it was a non-sit_down - cum - copying_notes_only event. Just 12 of us including the trainers (Kak Anizah, Kak Su & Kak Rabiah). The trainers were graciously informal, lively and fun-loving sorts. We all (including the trainers) were trying our darndest to speak in Malay... proper Malay.. no mixing with english, singlish watsoever. There was a Malay teacher representing one of the LV centres who was a Chinese and surprisingly (and embarrassingly to me) spoke a much better Malay than all of us in the room put together..

We had the music & movement where we went down the memory lane wif all the children's nursery rhymes and folk songs.. "burung kakak tua" & "enjit² semut" received the much needed revival when we choreographed the dance steps to the great hilarity. We also had the cookery session where we made honey cornflake cookies and fruit salads. Except, there was no stove-cooking/oven-baking were involved in the process. At the very end, we were assigned to put up learning centres based on different theme we chose, get this, in ONE hour. The great challenge; this wasn't informed beforehand and we had to construct things like decor & teaching aids literally from scratch...My other 4 team mates are like magic-workers.. they could come up wif lots of interactive teaching materieals in that short a time.. real proud of them! Lemme see.. maybe i can find the pix from the learning centres somewhere and put them up here as e-momentos...

Tuesday, April 19

in a time like this...

a gundek of mine will be "changing her scenes" soon...down to the land of the kangas n roos to be precise. Her husband's a citizen there, lucky devil...
Give my regards to the wallabies. A-Zu! Gonna miss ya and yer positively bertabor antics....

gundek = (literal)concubine (non-literal) swinging sista, travel companion, crappy pal, bud, one of my delectable homies, etc, etc...

bertabor = blithering, mixed up, blur-sotong(singlish)

Tuesday, April 12

Monday, April 11


wat de...

hmm, well zackeroo, i hope i have not made a nasty boo-boo..

Friday, April 8

as bz as a queenie bee

been a great while since i last checked in... am now living under one roof wif mom-in-law... not as scary as many peole had thought.. i actually had pile on some pounds.. hadn't i mentioned she's a terribly skillful cook who could conjure an exotic dish out of baby corns, cabbages and imitation crabmeat?? *sigh*..

i came home(my mommy's nest) and mom had kindly and surreptiously pointed out that I might have to watch out or I won't be able to put on the glamourous wedding clothes on my so-called glamorous day in a few months' time...