Kupanjatkan syukur kehadhrat Allah SWT., selawat & salam ke atas Nabi besar kita, Muhammad SAW, ahli keluarganya, sohabah2nya, imam2 & segala pengikutnya sekalian...
Where to begin? I can only be thankful & grateful to Him for giving me grace and letting me be here to continue to serve Him and be amongst my loved ones.
I am so thankful for the flood of Du'as & good wishes from family and friends and especially when i read the outpouring response from our multiply network frens whom i know personally & those I don't,thanks for your concerns, Only Allah may reward your kindness
I am doing as well as can be expected. To answer some queries: I had a few fractures mostly on my left pelvic bone but alhamdulillah after a thorough scan, I had no internal injuries & need no surgery. I was informed by the doctors that the cracks may heal completely on its own just that it will take time & I may be using walking aid for the next 2 months. I am also undergoing therapy and (trying to do) some of them @home.
I need further Du'as from everyone especially so that I have strength & patience to overcome frsutrations that I sometimes get.u know even the little things can get to me if I'm not watchful, trying to pick up something from the floor or walking the short distance to the bathroom or even remaining in a single position for long can tire me out. Family is very supportive especially Hubbi that I sometimes worry that he may be very tired from work/class/& taking care of me...Tears fell from seeing the TLC and support i get from him.. I'm also especially touched to see my NIE frens coming up and allaying my worries from the upcoming assignments and interceding to my lecturers on my behalf. My thanks also go to my understading lecturers..! of them came to see me in hospital...alhamdulillah, subhaanollah...
Aku mesti selalu beringat bahawa ada org lain yg ada di dlm keadaan lebih memerlukan dariku... Ada yg menghadapi lebih banyak ujian. Senantiasalah kita bersyukur kpd Allah SWT, berusaha utk sentiasa dapat menjalankan kewajipan kita sebaik2nya & dapat melalui segala rintangan dgn penuh sabar & redha...insyaa Allah.. Mohon semua dapat mengambil iktibar dan mendoakan kami.
As a gd fren who had visited me had said, there is always blessings in disguise. Sometimes this thing happen in order to prevent from something much bigger happening. Wallahu'Alaam...I know my perspective towards life has changed. Seeing another day, watching my beloved and able to walk even though very slow filled me with so much gratitude that I sometimes think I might burst... 
Babe, I love you, take the best care of yourself & dun fret abt me... let's pray together for a full & speedy recovery.