Monday, July 31

just had 1 of the biggest scares of my life cld i be so stupid/dumb/careless/clumsy/klutzy/goondoo.... well u get the idea..

if anything worse were to happen, i'd be dead instead of typing here...
CRAP, it just hit me...I WILL DIE...period

Sunday, July 30

Made a small batch of No-Bake Peanut Butter Krispies... very worrying abt setting the oven too high dat they might get burned like my lemon bisq yesterday... hehe.. as i'm very happy wif the result, & hubbi juz can't stop , i've decided to be generous & share them wif u (the recipe not the cookies!) the recipe from 1 of the many internet recipe sites.. so here goes:


  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (i used chunky ones, fer those who like it smooth, make ur own use creamy! )
  • 1/4 cup honey (any type)
  • 2-3 cups of rice krispies cereal (i couldn't find a big box of rice krispies yesterday so i used Coco pops instead & i think it tastes better than the plain ones...didn't i mention, i love chocz)
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
1) Blend peanut butter, honey & vanilla carefully

2)stir in the rice krispies/coco pops cup by cup until u feel its enuf to coat the mixture ...from my exp, 1 3/4 cup were quite enuf

3)moisten ur hand first before u proceed to roll them into balls lest they break & u get frustrated dat i never give u this tip before hand & proceed to put everything in the bin.. hehehe

4)arrange however u like on a tray lined wif grease-proof/ wax paper then pop them into the fridge to chill...

5)when ready to be served, u get ready to be praised...then get ready as the balls get mauled... better put a few pcs aside fer urself...i'm speaking from experience here...
makes abt 30pcs (depends on how big/small ur balls are...)

Note: if u want to make more, juz double or triple the ingredients..& of cos it's double or triple werk fer u...! =)

Hubbi & I caught the movie POTC last nite... as much fun as the 1st one... Bravo to Johnny Depp as Cap'n Jack Sparrow forever wif his antics, deadpan delivery...The icky graphics esp on Davy Jones & his crew together wif sound efx during the Kracken mostly (did i spell dis correctly?) made me scream out loud more than a few times.

I whispered to hubbi. "he's stealing from the very person helping him!", hubbi said, "He's a pirate wat..." In another scene, Hubbi said "He rather sacrifice william to get his way?" I retorted "He's a pirate wat.."Well, Johnny, u made Jack a pirate thru & thru...

1 of my fave scene was their 3-man fight wif elizabeth screaming on the side..

The only drawback: We were sitting in the middle, 5 rows to the screen... (my neck pain a bit but watever, it was worth it...)

It will make you want it...want it so bad..."

So if u haven't seen it already, watchoo waitin' for, matey?

Note to babe

FROM MYSELF I am copper,
through You, friend, I am gold.
From myself I'm a stone,
but through You I am a gem!

Babe, remember our sumpah...

What a friend thinks

I see you happy now my dear friend...
I'm glad..
If dat is what was meant to be..
I'm glad...

It's been so long
Forgot how you look like exactly
But when I saw you yesterday
You looked just like how
I thought a happy person must be..
I'm glad...

It should not take dat long
for you deserve every bit of happiness
I know you do
for everything you've done for me
when I needed you
I'm glad...
It was you...

Wednesday, July 26

A Sunday Matinee - continued

Now where was I?

Oh yes, to cool ourselves down, I suggested we walked over to Mustaffa. Bought dvd (hindi...whaddaya expect?) & some toiletries, place was packed wif Jap tour grps..very hard to find the salesperson, got bulldozed by a shopping cart or trampled by a baby pram every 5 minutes & all ard me i hear Japanese, talk abt confusion.. I pity the babies...not dat i've anything against parents who bring their children to public places(hey, it's a free country!) but wailing, screeching infants in a crowded ctr where every way is One Way... come on...& oh yeah did we ever cool down...

Another thing, when we go mustaffa, we've to hand in our bags/parcels for them to keep but ladies' bags usually they'll just tie 'em wif the cable tie thingy... hubbi smiled at me & said, dun they know these aren't exactly fool-proof? the place packed to the teeth, the tie could just be slid off & after slipping items inside, go over to the hardware section & buy the same cable thing & tie the bag back before exiting & none would be the wiser,,,I remarked back well, let's pray no one thinks like you & if there is, let's pray they have real powerful cctv/security system installed.... sheesh, wat an idea...

Well, after shoping there, we walked back to ps as on the way to mustaffa we were given an LJS flyer. Hubbi's heart already fixed on their current promo & all my ideas to eat masala dosais or chapatis were vetoed... Doesn't really matter anyway as my feet were hurting from all the super brisk walk & shopping cart/baby pram feet screamed louder as i found dat we had taken a longer route..Hubbi's excuse, well u were the one who wanted to walk wat juz now... Me & my big mouth

After dinner, we went in & out knick-knack shops..trying out watever items they had put out in sale... ended up buying a cute pair of toothbrush holders.. but we did need them, u see...

Then, in order to congratulate ourselves for managing to survive the ordeal of the whole day, we had

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I loike!

Oh yes, I've a kitty stuck on my fridge's door..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Tuesday, July 25

A Sunday Matinee

Had a date wif me hubbi last Sun. the 'date' was out of necessity partly as i'd a little accident wif my v3 more than 3 wks ago. It just won't turn on. The only one svc ctr's located in ps, so we went there thinking happily we would be able to go walk² after that...& maybe even drop by mustaffa ctr..

Hubbi worked till 11.00am on Sun & i treated him to a late lunch @jp. The 'late' part is my fault... i was watching cartoon hehe...hubbi said he can feel ppl staring at him as his tummy growled super-loud.. poor boy..

We got a Q no & i sat down to wait while hubbi walked off his lunch ard the basement before settling down beside me & dozed off... yeaps that was how long we waited.. luckily i brought a book along..there were ard 7 counters but only 4 were operational &time was crawling ultra-slowly by.. Suddenly sumthing caught my attention.. 1 of the svc officer did not punch the Q nos, but sumhow a man just sat in front of her, started talking, brought out his hp & was attended to juz like dat. I roused hubbi to complain to him. He told me to wait for my no while he went & find out wat was up.. apparently this man had missed his turn for after he got his no, he & his itchy-legs walked out.. I remarked loudly: "Then, shouldn't he go & get a new one then.. " To make matters worse, 1 of the ctrs closed fer lunch & now it seemed dat he had 1001 questions to the officer..wat a drag! But, hey, wat just a sec...i gestured to hubbi to observe the svc officer in question. She was giving friendly signals to another customer in front of me... turns out, he was her friend.. & the signals, well u dun have to be a genius to know it meant dat she wld serve him next...hubbi stood in front of the ctr and questioned her coolly. She said the other guy had also missed his no. bullshi*! he came after us.. & when hubbi asked to see his Q tix, it was already thrown away...surprise, surprise... she had the cheek to say sum more that it was company's policy to attend to customers who missed their turns...Hello, even at the doctor's office, u'll have to take another Q no. if u missed ur turn unless it's an emergency..wat rubbish r u telling me then? Hubbi wrote a feedback letter & handed in to another staff citing the incidents and the officer's name.. (that is, if the name's given was true, she wasn't wearing any badge) By this time, my no. had been called at another ctr & while i was waiting for the gal to chk my hp, i overheard another man making noise. He'd seen the incidents & was growing agitated and so he let the so-called store supervisor have it...I signalled to hubbi to ask him to come to the ctr i was at, but i noticed his face was black & he only shook his head. Only after I came out from the shop dat I knew wat happened..the svc officer's fren who managed to jump Q just now had snickered snidely at hubbi when he walked out from the shop..told hubbi it wasn't worth it to lose our cool over these stinkingly rude ppl. He agreed but he was still fuming.. I prayed that the stinking rude guy had left the bldg, for his own stinking sake cos when hubbi's in dat state, that guy won't stand a chance.. not dat i'm saying he wld get beaten up but fer sure, hubbi has his own set of laser mouth & knowing him, things might get out of hand...

wait a sec.. i need to have a drink, now i'm worked up..

Wednesday, July 19

Berita Foto: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

Tsunami yang terjadi Senin (17/7) kemarin, telah menghancurkan kawasan wisata Pantai Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Hingga pagi ini (Selasa, 18/7), korban gempa dan tsunami di Kabupaten Ciamis tercatat 172 orang meninggal dunia.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni

Photo News: Tsunami Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM

The Tsunami that had stricken last Monday (17th Jul), had destruct whole recreation area of Pangandaran Beach, West Java. Up till this morning (Tues, 18th Jul), victims of the quake & tsunami in Kabupaten Ciamis are known to be at 172 dead.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources: Kompas Cyber Media)

Of today (19th Jul), reports that come in, 510 people are injured, 165 are missing while 52,400 people had been evacuated. Death tolls are at 337 and are suspected to be rising every hour. (sources: Berita Harian)

Berita Foto: Identifikasi Jenazah Tsunami

Pangandaran Pangandaran, KCM
Puluhan warga hari ini (Selasa, 18/7) mendatangi Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) Pangandaran, Ciamis, Jawa Barat untuk mencari sanak keluarga yang hilang. Sekitar 60 jenazah telah berhasil diidentifikasi di tempat ini.

Fotografer: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
Photo News: Identification of Tsunami Victims in Pangandaran

Large of number of Pangandaran dwellers came out today (Tuesday, 18th Jul) to Wellness Community Centre(Puskesmas) at Pangandaran, Ciamis, West Java in order to look for their lost relatives. At the moment, around 60 victims have been identified here.

Photographs by: KCM/Ahmad Zamroni
(sources by Kompas Cyber Media)

And here I thought that I would get over you. Really.
I told all my friends & family, I would..
They were not convinced, I don't blame them
But I was so sure of it..
For how long have I known you
I've known my husband longer
We have not even have a decent conversation between us
I don't even know what's your favourite colour
& you don't know mine
For because of this, I know it won't last for long
I would get over you
I told you
& you said, "Fat chance"
"My magic is stronger than you think... You'll be wanting more of me once I'm gone..."
I laughed it was nothing but a schoolgirl's crush
I really would get over you...

My heart worries
but it still thinks of you
Always, always in my heart
For how far I've walked
Always, you are in my heart