Thursday, September 22


When you look at me
What do you see?
Do you see someone
trying to do better
to be better?
Or someone
pretending to be better
to do better..?

Sunday, September 18

A day to remember

Supposed to be a good day. one of my junior cousins from the Kutty Klan got married…
I woke up on the wrong side of bed, or perhaps pms… whatever the reason was, it was not good enuf to excuse my behaviour.. I was a bit of Miss Attitude (chk out the capital A).. in fact it was inexcusable… very ashamed in fact for making such a hoo-ha of it.. Now I’m not interested in rehashing the whole episode, I’m just so embarrassed and appalled at myself..

Sorry dearest kuz, u know who u are…. U definitely did not deserve dat. I really intend to help, but all I saw was “red” dis way and dat and I guess, I listened to the devil’s whispering sweet nothings much too much, thus i made the situation worse. Sitting alone in front of the PC now, I wish, I wish, I wish I could turn back the clock and make sure I behave better… well nasi dah jadi bubur, serves me rite?

Even though u’re much younger than me but u’re a much bigger person for forgiving and overlooking my shamefully childish behaviour…

Moral of the story: I’ll never show myself in public until my Miss A is in check and out of the picture..

Wednesday, September 14

Mon ami's chain

(These are in no random order):

7 things that scare me
1. My laziness
2. Always forgetting
3. My habitual & an almost ritualistic prone to accidents
4. creepy crawlies especially when mai hubbi's not around to squash them for me
5. dark, constricted places
6. falling asleep and waking up mugged in public
7. being chased by cats & dogs alike

7 things i like most
1. Knowing He is oft-forgiving and all Merciful when I sometimes lapse in remembering Him.
2. my friends
3. teasing mai hubbi
5. playing & completely ruling over his Xbox games
6. junk food
7. MaK's chicken curry

7 most important things in my room- technically my would-be-shared-room
1. my ergonomic bed
2. my magnetic pillow
3. my huge built-in wardrobe
4. my handphone charger
5. the attached bathroom for late-nite crisis
6. the window
7. Its curtains ...'nuff said...

7 random facts about me
1. I wake up cranky no matter how short/long i sleep
2. the longest i''ve been in an employment was 2.5 months (short stint but long story)
3. I've an unhealthy amount of Shahrukh Khan's movies in my vcd/dvd collection
4. I'm my worst critic
5. I'm people's worst critic, believe me i'm the person you'd been warned against to be mixing with.
6. I love my family & friends & would do anything within the limited God-given capabilities to help them.
7. I've hairy arms

7 things i can do
1. By God's grace, wake up and go to sleep safe wif mai hubbi alongside me
2. I can paint walls...I helped hubbi to paint our flat, very nice & looks professional too.
3. I can finally wash our clothes wif a washing machine, thanks to abah
4. I can communicate more freely wif mother-in-law
5. I can clean fish though not so masterfully or tastefully done
6. I can walk past shops wif abundant clothes, bags & shoes on 70% discount without buying a single thing, not even a measly scarf that i know i have 3 years' supply of
7. I'm able to, with His help, have more time on earth to count all my blessings & remember Him.

7 things i can't do
1. walk without tripping over my own foot or bumping into things
2. abstain myself from chocolates more than 3 consecutive days
3. go about my day without hubbi's knowledge/permission
4. read maps
5. talk with my tongue sticking out
6. have regular dosage of decent gossip sessions wif my gals :(
7. tell people off outright when they had done me wrong. I usually keep to myself first and feel absolutely frustrated later.

7 things i say the most
1. "hubbi...?" (no contest here)
2. "what the...?!"
3. "i love you.." (yep, go ahead & vomit)
4. "what time you finish work today?"
5. "nak makan apa?"
6. "assalamu'alaikum"
7. "wa'alaikumussalam"

7 celeb crushes
1. Shahrukh khan (again, no contest)
2. brad pitt
3. will smith (what can i say, i always have a soft spot for a funny guy who sings)
4. hugh jackman @ wolverine ..
5. ricky martin (juz drives me loca when he sings in those smooth, sexy latino voice of his)
6. eminem (his bad boy image just appeals to me)
7. rosyam nor (an outstanding m'sian actor who has a great personality & character)
Met up wif MaK for some bit of shopping in bedok then we went on to meet aBaH @ Yaasalam for dinner last evening. I came from JW & MaK sportingly agreed to take bus and meet me @the interchange which she normally wouldn't do unless aBaH is driving. very grateful..Ordered a bouquet for my cousin's wedding dis weekend too.

Looking back, funny how nowadays I'm counting more & more on MaK & aBaH..well more on MaK. I could still remember the time I wouldn't be caught dead shopping @ NTUC wif MaK on tow instructing me to fetch dis & dat. It even got on the verge of taboo if one is enjoying dinner wif the said set of parents.

Well, perhaps MaK's recent sickness had slapped me the fact of one's mortality directly on my face. Or perhaps the recent status i 'd acquired dat made me realise - my parents are normal people who have considerably great insights on world events like the recent hurricane katrina. Or, perhaps my mom's missing me more since i'm no longer under 1 roof & she can't nag me as usual on my sloppiness in fixing hubbi's food & clothes. I could go on & on... Thank you ALLAH for all the blessings you've given me & my family. Please keep all of my family, relatives & friends in constant good health & situation. Please guide us in the busy-ness of our daily pursuits so as dat we do not forget YOU and may we always be striving in YOUR cause, Insyaa ALLAH..