Sunday, June 12

Closed For Inventory

Needed to think more, feel less...

Saturday, June 11

Did something today dat reminded me of my holiday@factory job... routine, line production thingy and how i'm looking for reasons any reason at all to escape the drudgery of the mundane work. Went to the bathroom, ate a little bit, watch tv too but in thend, I resolved, well, i gotta do what mom said I gotta do or else... (you're welcome to fill in the blanks)

Oh.. Juz realized dat i've been goin on & on whereas had not really specified what the monkeyshine it's all about. I had been folding 200 plastic bags to hold chocs & sweets to be given out on the 19th.. Well granny's been a tremendous help by tying up those plastic potpourries of saccharines. It's no mean feat, I tell you. I believe two pats on the backs are on order for the both of us...

Friday, June 10

more to come...


Finished re-painting my room in PR, okay not really finished, less than a quarter of a wall left to paint but I ran out of paint... used the no-lizard quality paint. My mom called it "cicak jalan jatuh" cat. It's a new colour like a light summer sky blue-turqoise...I like it, but i like the turqoise version we used in JW. Plain Brilliance!

I was enormously exhausted... hey it's no easy task especially juggling wif the paint, roller and trying not to fall off the ladder. I've been having this niggling pain in between my right eyebrow and my little forehead & juz now dat pain came back wif a vengeance.. I had to lie down and massage a little but the pain juz worsened and I'd half expect dat one of the veins had been building up pressure and burst out blood down on the side (no thanks to my vivid & colourful imagination). No joke, it IS major pain in the neck, i hate getting headaches especially when there are tonnes of things to do. In the end of tossing and turning, I popped some pills & slept it off hoping & praying that the blistering pain would wear off. It wore off all right, not much though & a fever to boot but at least I'm grateful I was able to lift my head up & jot in this blog now..

Kay, I need to save myself for tomorrow's newest (mis)adventure.. Aai, I'll insyaa Allah go to DA tomorrow and pass the cards there... Very truly, deeply & madly sorry for dis last minute thingy but things HAVE been crazy here... Miss u too!

Monday, June 6

was wif my sis the other day at Mac. Initial plan to keep her company as she's doing her work on her lappie. In the end, I had to wait for her for nearly 3 hours!! Nasib baik adik akoo.. heh...

While waiting for Her Highness arrival, I finished a cookbook by Nigella Lawson.. It's not exactly a cookbook and i meant it on the style it's written. It's exactly as though I was watching repeated broadcasts of Nigella's Bites. Very quirky, real-life, un-preachy sort of style though i doubt i've half her tenacity in using dozens of ziplock bags for marinating beef/lamb/chicken/birds... But what i like is that, the cooking's simple as though they're cooked up in mind for people like me who can't boil water without having the pot all burnt up. Well, it certainly has renewed my aim to cook for dear husband but i think i'll start on something small like peanut butter & banana on toast?? heheh.. one teeny step for me, a giant leap for mankind(not the extremely hungry ones, dat is!)

Two things i did learn though:
1. Macdonald has free internet surfing access..
2. Reading cookbooks in a fast-food restaurant is not such a good idea especially on empty stomach while waiting for someone to arrive.

Sunday, June 5

baby blue

Just came back from visiting Hasanah to see her new bundle of joy..a girl.. the 1st is a boy... think she sort of has a complete set already.. I went wif Syiqin & her husband and the little Fathin Nadhrah.. already 11 months old and has 5 strong (& i do mean strong!) teeth. Very wary of strangers. She kept staring at hubbi and she hates spectacles/sunglasses of any kind. Hubbi tried to put on his sunglasses on her and she immediately cried out for help. Since then she kept one suspicious eye on hubbi... kesian hubbi.... try to coax her pun tak jalan....
The baby's cute, quite tall for her age @ 2 weeks' old. Hasanah the mother of course very radiant and she couldn't bear to put her baby down. But she dreaded the time when the baby got bigger and begs to be carried everytime.

*sighhhh*.. babies so sweet the smell...Is my biological clock tick-tocking now..?

Saturday, June 4

The starhub-man can....

The *hub man came by this afternoon to diagnose my internet service(the lack of it, actually) problem. The modem only had the power lite on whereas a good hardwerking modem should have all 4 lites on as i was told. He has this contraption oscilloscope-cum-digital multimeter that reminded me of my TP days and checked every cable point in the house. He went outside to probe at this locked box which he opened with his own key then he came back quickly to us with a wry smile... "You got enemies arr?" We were shocked when he showed us that the tv cable was hanging out of its rightful socket. He inserted it back in and voila, internet was back on like nothing had ever happened.. (the TV was also having problems whereby no picture shown in every known channel. And it came back alive & kicking)

We'd asked the man, can anybody just open the box and he said only if he has the key which belonged to them people. The cable was seen jutting out from the box and we checked that it is quite impossible to pull it accidentally out as the cable end is the screw-on type... what could've happened? How did the cable mysteriously get screwed out of its socket? Which deranged mind could have commit such heinous act?? ok ok i exaggerated. But this enigmatic cable-puller had limited me from my unlimited internet subscription.

My mom quietly suggested could it be that I was watching TV into the wee hours of morning and maybe had the volume turned a tad too high and that might irritate some neighbours. And this neighbour happened to have the key (maybe he worked with the cable company) or who has a skeleton key (or maybe he was a locksmith) and pulled the cable out.. Far-fetched?? Perhaps... But then again, perhaps not... If so, ppl, beware we have a serial cable-puller on the loose who hates noises from TV even one that's turned up low. He'd do anyting and everything to deprive unsuspecting, innocent citizens of the box...

Wednesday, June 1

lenger punya kes...

One of the kebods (keje bodoh) of the day.

Was very tired & very sleepy.
Was asleep on bus 21.
Was definitely & absolutely unaware of surrounding.
Was aghast to find the tudung a bit wet with drool.
Wait.... that wasn't the kebod..
Was awake when the bus reached tampines but went on asleep anyway.
Was uber-shocked wheb found self all alone on the double-decked bus, and the bus was reversing into a parking space.
Was hurrying down the stair well when self unconciously wailed out "waaaaaaaaiiiiitttttttttttttt, unk-cleeeeeeeeeeee... i'm still he-reeeeeeeee!"
Was crimson red in the face as uncle chuckled and said.. " ohhh...upstairs sleeping aaarrr?!"